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3 pheno's
I got 3 different types from 3 seeds, for my first attempt at NFT this proved a problem but I should have just picked one.
One was very Jack like with large square buds and the taste reminded me of the same. It had a good bud to leaf ratio, also didn't need high levels of feed.
One was like a White Widow with huge pistils, and the plant was completely covered with crystals. Low bud to leaf ratio and again it needed a low level of feed.
Finally the third one was the Cheese!! A normal looking modern hybred with a good bud to leaf ratio. This one needed more feed than the other two so suffered a little in my system.
Easy to grow but only the Jack Pheno showed before flowering.
My advice is to be rich enough to pick one plant from ten(old school LOL)
Sensi seed bank is the only one I use now. I have years of experience(since the 90's) and in the long run, they are best value.
Cime da sogno !!!
Coltivata indoor metodo Scrog cimata al terzo livello togliendo i due getti inferiori …. Quattro rami a disposizione! Dopo la fase vegetativa di cinque settimane passo alla fioritura. La pianta è veramente vigorosa oserei dire modello skunk-kush ibrid ! Dopo quattro settimane la fioritura comincia ad essere importante, dopo sette i boccioli sono formati e imponenti le foglie cominciano a ingiallire uniformemente partendo dal basso ! Nelle due settimane successive la maturazione si completa le cime si riempiono di resina che comincia ad avere riflessi ambrati aumentando il volume di un 25%, ! Durante il periodo di fioritura gli aromi della pianta mutano e si evolvono ! Ho notato tre fasi ,la prima odore banana formaggio, la seconda formaggio gas ozono e la terza un mix dei due precedenti!
Effetto moto piacevole in grado di soddisfare le esigenze dei fumatori più esigenti!
Aroma old school molto skunky !
Raccolto importante…..le cime hanno un peso specifico notevole! L’effetto è di lunga durata!
Pianta facile da coltivare prestando attenzione all’ultima fase prima del raccolto per ottenere il massimo potenziale!
Ramba Zamba
Alle 3 Samen sind aufgegangen und die Pflanzen sind fast identisch wuchs ist sehr gut sie entwickeln sich super.
Easy growing, tasty all day smoke
Grown indoors. Planted 3. After topping, 2 went full sativa style while the other kept a slightly shorter hybrid shape. Still manageable with LST. Grown organic, the more hybrid one could have been cut on 45 days, the 2 sativas could have gone another week/10 days for 8-9 weeks. They started really gaining weight the last 2 weeks. Smell not too strong while on flower. Pungent fruity smell in curing jar, the cheese will come out after a while. Effect is sativa leaning but not overpowering. Tasty, all day smoke with above average yield, for a rather fast uncomplicated grow. Thanks Sensi!
Fruity cheese takes up space
I bought these seeds as I love cheese It was quite a lot of hassle as I had to Re pot 3 times from a 11ltr -15 and finally a 25 litre so if space is a issue I wouldn't recommend a little sensitive on the nutes if you put in the effort the yeild will be xxl taste is a fruity cheese high is pure euphoria and relaxing sleepy would I grow again indoors NO outdoors where the roots could grow freely YES wish sensi would start stocking strawberry cheesecake now as they have the colab with humbolt
Super Pflanze
Sie ist jetzt 1,35 Meter hoch und in voller Blüte,noch 3Wochen bis zur Ernte. Sie riecht doch tatsächlich nach Käse !!:smiley:
white cheese feminisèes
en extérieur sous serre très bon rendement plantes hauteur 2.50m floraison en cour.
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