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Der Balkon grünt
4/4 Samen sind gekeimt. Richtig gut. Mein erster Anbau. Der Balkon bekommt nur mäßig Sonne und ich habe nur ein wenig gedüngt. Bei eher schlechter Pflege getrocknet 16 Gramm erhalten.  Ich bin zufrieden. Schmeckt und wirkt gut.
First time grower
Bought 3 seeds got 4 instead (thank you guys ) . I tried to germinate only 3 seeds becouse i grow them in a tent . All of 3 of them are now at around 50 cm tall (still have one seed left) . Cannot wait to smoke them . Delivery was a bit late BUT the season just started in Germany so give the guys a break .
Super Ergebnis!
Indoor gegrowt auf kleinem Raum mit LED und SCROG, normale Düngung nach Anleitung - Pflanze hat zeitweise massiv die Töpfe ausgesaugt :sweat_smile:. Ohne ausreichend Platz nicht gerade einfach aber ging (konsequent und früh runterbinden). Getrocknet 100 gr. nices nicht zu starkes sativa Weed mit einem echt lecker zitrus Geruch. Was will man mehr. Dieses Jahr dann Outdoor :v:️ Danke Ampel :grin:
In a Wardrobe :sunglasses:
5 seeds 100% successful, easy grow, non smelly, non smoker, edibles, coconut oil weight ratio 12:1 bud, very pleasant :sunglasses:
Très belle plante avec des buds bien collant.
Pousse sous serre comme toutes mes plantes
Attention toute fois lors de la manucure des buds, il est très facile de les casser.
Plutôt pas mal et odeur discrète
Planter en pot de 10 litres, 3 graines, 2 ont germé, odeur discrète mais typique de la skunk, high sympa pas trop assommant . Semer fin mars, récolte fin juin 30g sec par pieds :+1::skin-tone-2:
Plus longue a fleurir que prévu
10 graines semé, 6 ont prisent et ont mis 8 semaines a démarrer la flo.
Du coup je me retrouve à sec dans mes bocaux:u1F974: et il reste(si elles mûrissent en 11 semaines) encore 10 semaines avant la récolte :tired_face::weary::weary:.
Very good Strain
Only 1 out of 3 grew.
Grew outdoors throughout summer, got to 1.3m tall. Got 85g off the 1 plant.

It has now dried and cured and tastes absolutely amazing. Very citrusy, absolutely Awsome high.
Definitely recommend this product.
Nice all round sativa
Finished off at 1meter in height, with long side branches. The buds were pretty solid,and produced 50 grams on each plant. After curing the taste really changes,more of the minor terps come through and not so green tasting. i recommend this for beginners and seasoned growers wanting a nice daytime sativa,and great for social events
Very different taste than others
2 of these germed out of 3. Easy to grow,and yielded well, 40g and 70 g on each,grown outside in a pot,fed organically. Takes about 10 weeks after flowers appear,producing a very nice cerebral high,slighty sweet ,with deep herbal smell..i recommend to anyone liking a medium strength sativa,
Nice and Hardy
I got 2 out of a pack of 3 seeds to germinate. The two grew well,very easy to take care of,used a very low amount of nutrients.The yield was 70 and 90 grams on each ,dried and jared, It has a taste that is very different to most i have tried from sensi,Sort of earthy/green,with a mild sweetness and very cerebral high,good for daytime use.
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