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Opinie o produktach dla Nasiona Regularne Super Skunk

My go to strain
I grew over 1000 lbs of this in Canada from 1993 until 2000 it was loved so much my friends did not want BC Bud they wanted mine Ontario outdoor grown and to this day one of the most smelliest herbs Ever and tge high i never got use to it.
oldschool as it gets top
Old school as it gets top love everything about just wow
Dass diese Pflanze bewertet werden kann und soll, ist seltsam.
Wer Super Skunk nicht kennt, war niemals stoned.
Muito bom
Essas buds são muito top Recomendo
Muito bom
Essas buds são muito top Recomendo
skunk top
Muito boa de plantar ótima lombra
skunk top
Muito boa de plantar ótima lombra
super skunk
com certeza o melhor fumo que já provei
super skunk
com certeza o melhor fumo que já provei
Énorme !
Un goût unique et un très bon rendement. Je recommande vivement pour des amateurs comme moi. ;)
Énorme !
Un goût unique et un très bon rendement. Je recommande vivement pour des amateurs comme moi. ;)
Uma das melhores sem dúvidas
Uma das melhores sem dúvidas
Leider wächst es noch, doch
Leider wächst es noch, doch die Keimung und das bisherige Wachstum verspricht so mach schöne Momente. Keine Blindgänger dabei und ein Bild für Götter mit ihrem Aussehen.
Leider wächst es noch, doch
Leider wächst es noch, doch die Keimung und das bisherige Wachstum verspricht so mach schöne Momente. Keine Blindgänger dabei und ein Bild für Götter mit ihrem Aussehen.
Einfach nur Geil!!
Einfach nur Geil!!
Einfach nur Geil!!
Einfach nur Geil!!
Super Skunk tiene un comportamiento uniforme en exterior, desplegando su calidad ya en crecimiento, con una bonita estructura arbustal. El olor y sabor son autèntica genètica "noventera", genuina.
Super Skunk tiene un comportamiento uniforme en exterior, desplegando su calidad ya en crecimiento, con una bonita estructura arbustal. El olor y sabor son autèntica genètica "noventera", genuina.
super skunk
Muito boa onda maxima!,melhor que prensado.
super skunk
Muito boa onda maxima!,melhor que prensado.
SKUNK 100%
Site Muito Bom Pra Quem Ta Iniciando Um Cultivo Diversos Tipos De Sementes Para Plantar Que Fico Até Empolgado ... Nota 10 !!!
SKUNK 100%
Site Muito Bom Pra Quem Ta Iniciando Um Cultivo Diversos Tipos De Sementes Para Plantar Que Fico Até Empolgado ... Nota 10 !!!
Achetez LES yeux fermés
Je suis MOI meme une jeune adepte du cannabis de toutes sortes. ON m'a dit à plusieurs reprises qu'il était vraiment dangereux pour une nana comme moi d'aller en acheter dans les quartiers mal fréquentés ... surtout que MES dealers se sont tous retrouvés en prison les uns après les autres, je devais en trouver d'autre sans les connaître. Mais bon, j'aime le risque. Arrive un moment où le rat le bol de prendre la voiture alors je décide de planter plusieurs sortes. J'ai acheté plusieurs sortes de Skunk, toutes excellentes. Mais celle ci reste un des meilleurs rapport qualité prix... Facile à faire pousser j'en suis fan. À chaque fois que je me retrouve sur ce site j'en ai l'eau à la bouche. Livraison rapide sans probleme Je recommande vivement
Achetez LES yeux fermés
Je suis MOI meme une jeune adepte du cannabis de toutes sortes. ON m'a dit à plusieurs reprises qu'il était vraiment dangereux pour une nana comme moi d'aller en acheter dans les quartiers mal fréquentés ... surtout que MES dealers se sont tous retrouvés en prison les uns après les autres, je devais en trouver d'autre sans les connaître. Mais bon, j'aime le risque. Arrive un moment où le rat le bol de prendre la voiture alors je décide de planter plusieurs sortes. J'ai acheté plusieurs sortes de Skunk, toutes excellentes. Mais celle ci reste un des meilleurs rapport qualité prix... Facile à faire pousser j'en suis fan. À chaque fois que je me retrouve sur ce site j'en ai l'eau à la bouche. Livraison rapide sans probleme Je recommande vivement
Skunk 100%
Massa skunk e uma das melhores ... Crescimento rentável
Skunk 100%
Massa skunk e uma das melhores ... Crescimento rentável
Très intéressant
Très intéressant
Super Skunk Super tout simplement . . ! !
Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Très très bonne variété ! Bonne odeur ! Effet puissant ! Bien-être autant mentale que physique . . ! ! Voilà que du bon ! Je la recommande , à essayer , vous vous rendrez compte par vous-mêmes . .
Super Skunk Super tout simplement . . ! !
Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Très très bonne variété ! Bonne odeur ! Effet puissant ! Bien-être autant mentale que physique . . ! ! Voilà que du bon ! Je la recommande , à essayer , vous vous rendrez compte par vous-mêmes . .
JE recommence se cité à tout le monde il est parfait . C'est super les gas
JE recommence se cité à tout le monde il est parfait . C'est super les gas
Super Skunk
Super dank für's Super Skunk ;)))) Prächtig Sofort Kaifeng!!!! 8)))
Super Skunk
Super dank für's Super Skunk ;)))) Prächtig Sofort Kaifeng!!!! 8)))
Fiz 3 colheitas dela concerteza é muito boa
Fiz 3 colheitas dela concerteza é muito boa
Très ravi dès cette merveille
Très ravi dès cette merveille
Je vous assure que ces une magnifique plante à cultiver et à fumé avec une bonne odeur et de grosse tete
Je vous assure que ces une magnifique plante à cultiver et à fumé avec une bonne odeur et de grosse tete
Simply The Best
Just finished taking down my plants which started from seeds purchased here and I am over the moon with the result. I've been smoking for years and this has blown me away. Just make sure you don't fall victim to chopping to early and you will be in heaven. Evil smelling,Big buds full of pods covered in dust and when you light up.....Big hit in the middle of the chest.....Perfect
Simply The Best
Just finished taking down my plants which started from seeds purchased here and I am over the moon with the result. I've been smoking for years and this has blown me away. Just make sure you don't fall victim to chopping to early and you will be in heaven. Evil smelling,Big buds full of pods covered in dust and when you light up.....Big hit in the middle of the chest.....Perfect
Première commande
colis reçu en 10 jours , lettre discrète.. plu cas attendre l'été. Merci sensiseed pour le boulot que vous faite ! big up from france
Première commande
colis reçu en 10 jours , lettre discrète.. plu cas attendre l'été. Merci sensiseed pour le boulot que vous faite ! big up from france
58days on 12/12 and counting?
I've been looking for the trichomes to get an amber eye but although very cloudy no eye? I have given only water since I last fed on Day42. It is 7ft. tall. Was veged for 42 days on 20hrs.p.day HPS, (due to auto grow going on). Used H & G Bat Special and all of the Samurai nutes:- silicon, roots,grow, bloom, boost, cal/mag, pk 13 and dragon force. I also used super thrive at re-potting and as an occasional tonic. I let the tap water sit for 24hrs., and matched the temperature of the water to that of the medium so no shock occurs when applied to the compost. I removed the lower 4x pairs of branches as I could not illuminate that far through the canopy and so would have been a waste. So the bottom 24inch of main stem is bare. I cant wait for amber-day, but how long would it take to turn from cloudy to amber?
58days on 12/12 and counting?
I've been looking for the trichomes to get an amber eye but although very cloudy no eye? I have given only water since I last fed on Day42. It is 7ft. tall. Was veged for 42 days on 20hrs.p.day HPS, (due to auto grow going on). Used H & G Bat Special and all of the Samurai nutes:- silicon, roots,grow, bloom, boost, cal/mag, pk 13 and dragon force. I also used super thrive at re-potting and as an occasional tonic. I let the tap water sit for 24hrs., and matched the temperature of the water to that of the medium so no shock occurs when applied to the compost. I removed the lower 4x pairs of branches as I could not illuminate that far through the canopy and so would have been a waste. So the bottom 24inch of main stem is bare. I cant wait for amber-day, but how long would it take to turn from cloudy to amber?
Surpris par le goût, agréable et pas trop lourd, étant amoureux, oui,oui!des sativa..et des indicas mais les skunk sont pas ma tasse de thé. Des têtes gonflées comme du pop-corn,assez trappue,récolte plus que conséquente...! Et ce goût pas terreux,tirant entre le pin et l anisé. Poussant facilement,50 jrs comme prévu, bien pour débuter mais entre des mains plus aguerries ATTENTION LA RECOLTE Et ce ptit goût qui s affine dans les bocaux.. Mais la je vais essayer mes graines de DURBAN reçues en novembre,mmmmh Pour finir SENSI-SEED BANK - STABILITÉ GRAINES NICKEL! - MAJORITÉ DE GRAINES RÉGULIÈRES ?? BRAVO
Surpris par le goût, agréable et pas trop lourd, étant amoureux, oui,oui!des sativa..et des indicas mais les skunk sont pas ma tasse de thé. Des têtes gonflées comme du pop-corn,assez trappue,récolte plus que conséquente...! Et ce goût pas terreux,tirant entre le pin et l anisé. Poussant facilement,50 jrs comme prévu, bien pour débuter mais entre des mains plus aguerries ATTENTION LA RECOLTE Et ce ptit goût qui s affine dans les bocaux.. Mais la je vais essayer mes graines de DURBAN reçues en novembre,mmmmh Pour finir SENSI-SEED BANK - STABILITÉ GRAINES NICKEL! - MAJORITÉ DE GRAINES RÉGULIÈRES ?? BRAVO
Les skunk parfait
Sur ce site il y a les plus magnifique grain de DIFFErent type de skunk jr trouve sa très génial ses graine son de haut niveau
Les skunk parfait
Sur ce site il y a les plus magnifique grain de DIFFErent type de skunk jr trouve sa très génial ses graine son de haut niveau
Que du bonheur ??
10 graines de pur bonheur reçues rapidement, avec les petit plus Sensi seedS... germination en 48h, au top, 10 sur 10, et quand à la qualité aucun doute, elle reste forcement SUPER, la connaissant je peux que vous la recommander. L'erreur ne peut venir que du cultivateur, surtout avec une variété aussi robuste . Sensi seedS un jour, Sensi seedS toujours... un grand merci et confiance absolue à vous. Bon kiffe à tous... "l'herbe est la guérison de la nation, l alcool, la destruction" Bob Marley.
Que du bonheur ??
10 graines de pur bonheur reçues rapidement, avec les petit plus Sensi seedS... germination en 48h, au top, 10 sur 10, et quand à la qualité aucun doute, elle reste forcement SUPER, la connaissant je peux que vous la recommander. L'erreur ne peut venir que du cultivateur, surtout avec une variété aussi robuste . Sensi seedS un jour, Sensi seedS toujours... un grand merci et confiance absolue à vous. Bon kiffe à tous... "l'herbe est la guérison de la nation, l alcool, la destruction" Bob Marley.
Muito boa
Tenho essa em casa e realmente é muito boa.....
Muito boa
Tenho essa em casa e realmente é muito boa.....
Great strain
I was given 2 seeds of the super skunk and put them in my permaculture garden and my god its 10 feet tall 8 feet wide looks like a tree at this point and needs little to no water. Think I watered twice this year so far.
Great strain
I was given 2 seeds of the super skunk and put them in my permaculture garden and my god its 10 feet tall 8 feet wide looks like a tree at this point and needs little to no water. Think I watered twice this year so far.
Produto de ex ele te qualidade
Uma das melhores.Sem igual que compra não se arrepende um belo atendimento no site todos de parabens
Produto de ex ele te qualidade
Uma das melhores.Sem igual que compra não se arrepende um belo atendimento no site todos de parabens
I have been a grower for 37 years, Sensi Seeds are some of the best I have found. Super Skunk is my go to, fun to grow, great to smoke. A must try.
I have been a grower for 37 years, Sensi Seeds are some of the best I have found. Super Skunk is my go to, fun to grow, great to smoke. A must try.
Muito bom
site muito bom pra quem ta iniciando um cultivo Diversos tipos de sementes para plantar que fico até empolgado. Nota 10!
Muito bom
site muito bom pra quem ta iniciando um cultivo Diversos tipos de sementes para plantar que fico até empolgado. Nota 10!
buena planta
Muy buena planta i que os la recomiendo a todos sale.muy bien economicamente por la marihuana que te sale luego
buena planta
Muy buena planta i que os la recomiendo a todos sale.muy bien economicamente por la marihuana que te sale luego
A good smoke and a strong plant
Super skunk was the first plant I had success with, since then all i have grown pretty much is Sensi Skunk varieties. The most endearing characteristics is the ease of growth and rewarding potency given how easy they are. Based on my experience I can confirm premium strains potency, like Jack Herer, when grown through medi distro are insane..... however, Super Skunk and skunks weight/effort/time/reward ratio is ****ing insane. Even if Jack Herer is twice the potency, you can turn your larger skunk plants into resin. Early on I found Sensi Seeds super skunk rescued my growing efforts in the "single seed, single fem" tiny closet situation I found myself in. I one day really want to expand my growing experience but at the moment I rely on a Skunk variety. For further reflection on my smoking experience, skunks are not actually the tourist buds grown in Amsterdam like "orange bud", further do they benefit from hydro and lights not being left outside.... so this is not actually the weakest form of cannabis this is skunk, it is intended to be strong (but i think not compromising on yield).. it is what it is!
A good smoke and a strong plant
Super skunk was the first plant I had success with, since then all i have grown pretty much is Sensi Skunk varieties. The most endearing characteristics is the ease of growth and rewarding potency given how easy they are. Based on my experience I can confirm premium strains potency, like Jack Herer, when grown through medi distro are insane..... however, Super Skunk and skunks weight/effort/time/reward ratio is ****ing insane. Even if Jack Herer is twice the potency, you can turn your larger skunk plants into resin. Early on I found Sensi Seeds super skunk rescued my growing efforts in the "single seed, single fem" tiny closet situation I found myself in. I one day really want to expand my growing experience but at the moment I rely on a Skunk variety. For further reflection on my smoking experience, skunks are not actually the tourist buds grown in Amsterdam like "orange bud", further do they benefit from hydro and lights not being left outside.... so this is not actually the weakest form of cannabis this is skunk, it is intended to be strong (but i think not compromising on yield).. it is what it is!
semillas buenas
Notan mal de precio para la calidad de la semilla
semillas buenas
Notan mal de precio para la calidad de la semilla
Ive been a smoker for more years than most people have been alive. What can I say apart from pure head rocker with a nice behind the eyes heaviness. You may have to try something less potent if this is your first time. Finnishes in 7 n half weeks bloom with 3 weeks of grow added on but well worth the wait nice yield especially using hydro (red pellets in 10 lye buckets with a drip feed.
Ive been a smoker for more years than most people have been alive. What can I say apart from pure head rocker with a nice behind the eyes heaviness. You may have to try something less potent if this is your first time. Finnishes in 7 n half weeks bloom with 3 weeks of grow added on but well worth the wait nice yield especially using hydro (red pellets in 10 lye buckets with a drip feed.
Planta excepcional
Planta excelente ótimo rendimento e pode ncia estão de parabéns entrega muito rapida
Planta excepcional
Planta excelente ótimo rendimento e pode ncia estão de parabéns entrega muito rapida
Super skunk
Hello. Superskunk, what more to say? Very easy to grow, likes less water though. A bit more sensitive than skunk #1, and with 45 days you´re going to get ripped off, it needs at least 60 days. Not as smelly on the odor side as some S.#1 can be. I wouldn´t go to the point of saying it is as forgiving as skunk#1, and you shouldn´t just grow it like one, but have a closer attention to watering, light (its not big on low lighting, keep these right under the lamp if growing other strains, andor rotate as possible. It can grow or thicken a bud in 2 days under a lamp what it doesn´t for weeks just 2,5f away from the light source) and to fert´ing (Tolerates nitrogen better than the S#1). Thrives on organic growing, definately better. Very sweet, fruity taste and very smooth if properly flushed and cured. A must to anyones collection.
Super skunk
Hello. Superskunk, what more to say? Very easy to grow, likes less water though. A bit more sensitive than skunk #1, and with 45 days you´re going to get ripped off, it needs at least 60 days. Not as smelly on the odor side as some S.#1 can be. I wouldn´t go to the point of saying it is as forgiving as skunk#1, and you shouldn´t just grow it like one, but have a closer attention to watering, light (its not big on low lighting, keep these right under the lamp if growing other strains, andor rotate as possible. It can grow or thicken a bud in 2 days under a lamp what it doesn´t for weeks just 2,5f away from the light source) and to fert´ing (Tolerates nitrogen better than the S#1). Thrives on organic growing, definately better. Very sweet, fruity taste and very smooth if properly flushed and cured. A must to anyones collection.
Sementes muito boas
em primeiro lugar, chegaram rápido! nao foram apressadas e tiveram boa vida :) Planta muito delicada! Sementes muito fáceis de afogar ... snif snif... Planta muito Boa, saudável e que teve um rendimento excelente com muito THC continuem, melhorei e até algum dia
Sementes muito boas
em primeiro lugar, chegaram rápido! nao foram apressadas e tiveram boa vida :) Planta muito delicada! Sementes muito fáceis de afogar ... snif snif... Planta muito Boa, saudável e que teve um rendimento excelente com muito THC continuem, melhorei e até algum dia
Mi primera holandesa
La suelo plantar por todos los recuerdos, olores y sabores que me acercan a mi primer viaje a Holanda, ya hace 20 años. Como disfruté entonces y como disfruto ahora.
Mi primera holandesa
La suelo plantar por todos los recuerdos, olores y sabores que me acercan a mi primer viaje a Holanda, ya hace 20 años. Como disfruté entonces y como disfruto ahora.
easy to grow with super great productive plant
One of my favorites , great smoke , head in the clouds buzz, you got to try it.
easy to grow with super great productive plant
One of my favorites , great smoke , head in the clouds buzz, you got to try it.
gran variedad
La utilice en interior con un foco de 600 y con el metodo de scrog. Tiene un vigor increible,ramifica muchisimo y es muy buena productora.de sabor esta muy buena y produce un gran olor a incienso.muy recomendable
gran variedad
La utilice en interior con un foco de 600 y con el metodo de scrog. Tiene un vigor increible,ramifica muchisimo y es muy buena productora.de sabor esta muy buena y produce un gran olor a incienso.muy recomendable
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