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American Dream Regular Seeds

Seed Type
Regular strain
Seed Bank
Sensi Seeds
Large yield
Climate Zone
Temperate / Continental
Compact plant
Flowering Time
Short flowering period
Sativa / indica
Sativa / indica hybrid
USA Strains
USA Strain
€7.50 / seed
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Discreet Packaging Fast Delivery Premium Quality Free shipping for orders above €75.00

About American Dream Regular Seeds

American Dream Regular combines 75% indica and 25% sativa genes in a fast-flowering strain with high yield potential. The earthy skunk smell is enhanced with tropical island scents. Euphoric, social high with no couch lock.

American Dream Regular combines tried and tested Afghani genetics with Jamaican and Hawaiian influences. This result is a gourmet strain that is suitable for discerning and commercial growers alike.

The ‘American dream’ is a term first coined by the historian James Truslow Adams. He dreamed of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone. Sensi Seeds has developed this cannabis strain in analogy with the American dream. By selecting from a broad gene pool that has been improved over the decades, our experts have realised the dream of permanent progress.

American Dream Regular growth pattern

This indica hybrid (75% indica, 25% sativa) is based on an Afghan skunk strain and tropical sativas from Jamaica and Hawaii. In terms of strength, yield and stability, American Dream Regular impresses the most discerning growers. The compact plants grow evenly, with above-average height gain. Please note that these are regular cannabis seeds which produce male and female plants.

In the right hands, American Dream Regular produces a plentiful yield. It is characterised by fist-sized buds bursting with pistils and covered by a sticky layer of resin. The structure is typically indica: at the beginning of the flowering stage (7 to 8 weeks), the sativa influence is also apparent in the light-green leaves.

These plants perform best indoors under artificial light. Outdoor cultivation will also succeed provided that summers are warm. At best, up to 1 kg can be harvested from a single plant. Advanced cultivation methods such as SOG (Sea of Green) or SCROG (Screen of Green) promise particularly good results.

Effect, flavour and smell of American Dream Regular

The first sign of the effect of this cannabis strain is a pleasant lightness that slowly spreads throughout the entire body. Many smokers become happier and more sociable. In comparison with other indica-dominant strains, American Dream Regular does not trigger couch lock. As a result, it is suitable for use during the day as well as in the evenings.

The pungent skunk smell is accompanied by a distinctive pine tone. The flavour is rounded off with fresh, fruity notes.

Did you know?

  • American Dream smells comparatively strong. Stealth growers who value discretion should select a different strain. An alternative is the award-winning Northern Lights Regular.
Seed Type
Regular strain
American Dream® is a regular strain, which will produce male and female plants.
Seed Bank
Sensi Seeds
Large yield
American Dream® can produce a large yield, without the extra care needed for some of the higher yielding strains
Climate Zone
Temperate / Continental
American Dream® can be grown outside in a normal warm summer.
Compact plant
American Dream® will have relatively small height gain during the flowering phase.
Flowering Time
Short flowering period
American Dream® will have a comparatively short flowering time.
Sativa / indica
Sativa / indica hybrid
American Dream® is a Sativa / Indica Hybrid.
USA Strains
USA Strain
USA Strain

Product Reviews

Problematische Größenangabe
Es ist schwierig eine vernünftige Bewertung abzugeben, da ich leider nicht in den Genuß kam, die Pflanzen zur Erntereife zu bekommen. Ertses Plus: alle Samen keimten. Nach einer normalen Keimphase kamen die Pflanzen relativ spät in die vegetative Phase. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit entwickelten sich outdoor Pflanzen, die mit einer Größe von ca. 1,70 cm vor Vitalität nur so strotzten. Die Samen wurden im Mai gesät und bereits Mitte Juli hatte die komplette Nachbarschaft mitbekommen, dass ich Pflanzen hegte, die allen Tomaten und sonstigen Nutzpflanzen in der Umgebung die Schau stalen und zudem sehr stark rochen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt blieb mir keine Wahl, als alle Pflanzen (die phänotypisch sehr homogen waren) zu entsorgen. Im Vergleich zu anderen Sorten hatte American Dream einen extremen Entwicklungsvorsprung. Die Entwicklung vor Mitte der vegetativen Phase mit bereits ausgeprägtem Aroma ließ auf eine herausragende Genetik schließen, die ich leider nicht mehr genießen und abschließend einschätzen durfte. Es ist schade, dass die Sorte hier als "kompakte Pflanze" beschrieben wird, was sie unter guten Bedingungen im Freiland definitiv nicht ist. Auch andere Sorten überschreiten bei mir regelmäßig die hier erwähnten Größenangaben, aber American Dream (und etwas weniger auch California Indica - bei größerer phänptypischer Variabilität) stechen deutlich nach oben heraus. Vermutlich ein Traum, wenn pro Pflanze mehr als 1,5 m² bei zu erwartendenden 2 +x Meter als Oberhöhe zur Verfügung stehen.
Incredible smell and taste, and
Incredible smell and taste, and fabulous uplifting vibe
Incredible smell and taste, and
Incredible smell and taste, and fabulous uplifting vibe
good qualité on peut il
good qualité on peut il aller
good qualité on peut il
good qualité on peut il aller
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