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Hash Plant Regular Seeds

Seed Type
Regular strain
Seed Bank
Sensi Seeds
Large yield
Climate Zone
Sunny / Mediterranean
Compact plant
Flowering Time
Short flowering period
Sativa / indica
Cannabis Cup Winner
Cannabis Cup Winner Gold
€13.20 / seed
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About Hash Plant Regular Seeds

Hash Plant Regular is a resinous Afghan plant with 90% indica. Its short flowering time of on average 45 days and compact structure make it particularly interesting for growing indoors. Strong body stone effect.

Super-fast flowering, ultra-compact and potent: Hash Plant Regular is a tribute to old-school cannabis. A dream strain with a mild hashish taste.

The reason why indica strains from the Hindu Kush are known as hash plants is due to their immense resin content. Once harvested, they are rolled by hand into balls and sold as “charas”. Hash Plant Regular is based on a premium quality, extremely sticky Afghan strain. But that wasn’t enough: prior to market launch, Sensi Seeds tested a few crosses and backcrosses with the Northern Lights #1.

Hash Plant Regular growth pattern

The result is a 90% indica that is based on 75% of the original Hash Plant and 25% on a Northern Lights #1. Hash Plant Regular seeds produce female and male cannabis plants with a typical indica growth pattern. Thanks to their extremely compact size, they take up only minimal space in the growing room. During the (possibly record) flowering time, which lasts 40 to 45 days, the resin-drenched buds develop, packed with valuable cannabinoids.

Good ventilation is essential to prevent mould formation. This applies equally to feeding the plants: they have a very healthy appetite when in flower. Apart from this, Hash Plant Regular is an easy-to-grow cannabis strain that is both robust and resilient.

The biggest yields are achieved with a Sea of Green (SOG), where several small plants stand next to each other. Clones from the same mother plant are ideal. But in conventional set-ups, these plants enjoy lush harvests – without the added care and attention that other strains require.

The heavy, resinous buds retain their weight after drying. These can be pressed into hashish, or enjoyed as dried weed.

Effect, flavour and smell of Hash Plant Regular

It’s the combination of sedative effect and creative energy that makes this strain so popular. It stimulates productive evenings and long conversations among good company as much as a peaceful night’s sleep. In common with many other indica strains from the Hindu Kush, the Hash Plant contains CBD in addition to THC.

The sweet Afghan hashish scent evokes a sense of nostalgia among older users. Just like the aroma of a night in Anjuna or Manali! The smoke is thick and heavy, and is accompanied by a spicy sharpness.

Did you know?

  • Hash Plant Regular is a multi-award-winning cannabis strain. It won prizes at the Highlife Festival in 2002 and at the Copa de la Marihuana in 2004.
Seed Type
Regular strain
Hash Plant® is a regular strain, which will produce male and female plants.
Seed Bank
Sensi Seeds
Large yield
Hash Plant® can produce a large yield, without the extra care needed for some of the higher yielding strains
Climate Zone
Sunny / Mediterranean
Hash Plant® can be grown outside in a warm, sunny climate with a long summer.
Compact plant
Hash Plant® will have relatively small height gain during the flowering phase.
Flowering Time
Short flowering period
Hash Plant® will have a comparatively short flowering time.
Sativa / indica
Hash Plant® strain has large proportion of Indica genes in its background.
Cannabis Cup Winner
Cannabis Cup Winner Gold
Hash Plant® has won a Cannabis Cup or another Cannabis Award.

Product Reviews

Seattle :green_heart: 90’s were a great time
Suave, ligera, interesante.
Hola amig@s, os explico mi experiencia:
Es una planta que de por sí tiene una floración abundante, no veo necesario abonarla salvo en contadas ocasiones, una o dos veces de riego semanal es suficiente sí está a sol y sombra, temperatura media de 30 grados centigrados, suelo abonar con cortezas de plátano, excrementos de conejo o caballo pero recomiendo abonar a partir de los 3 meses de la plantación para evitar que pueda quemarse, cada 15 días un poco de cada no le viene mal.
Me salieron todas las semillas, una vez hice selección tuve que elegir una femenina y otra masculina, las demás tuve que sacrificarlas para evitar problemas vecinales ya que el olor es muy intenso y las miradas curiosas suelen ser habituales, polínicé la femenina en algunas flores y el resultado han sido unas 30 semillas regulares, cerca de 150 gramos en flores y una pequeña porción de hachis durante el manicurado del tamaño del hueso de una aceituna.
En este momento está en periodo de cura pero ayer quise probarla y mis sensaciones son encontradas, la encuentro suave, un humo casi embriagador y poco pesado, sabor limpio, no deja sensación de hierba seca, un aroma ligero.
Sensaciones mentales no agobiantes pero me costó dormir un poco durante la noche, parecía algo psicoactiva a pesar de haberla cosechado en su punto exacto, creo que debería haber dejado un poco más de maduración en la planta para conseguir un efecto más relajante.
La encuentro creativa, muy controlable.
Si la recomiendo para aquellos fumadores que piden un efecto tranquilo.
Tiene bastante THC por lo cual recomiendo no conducir hasta pasados 6 o 7 días después de su consumo para evitar falsos positivos en test de cannabis.
Responsabilidad, paz y amor.
Un abrazo a tod@s.
En effet c'est ma préférée
J'ai toujours pas trouvé mieux, merci.
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