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Silver Haze Feminized Seeds

Seed Type
Feminized strain
Seed Bank
Sensi Seeds
Large yield
Climate Zone
Sunny / Mediterranean
High plant
Flowering Time
Long flowering period
Sativa / indica
Cannabis Cup Winner
Cannabis Cup Winner Gold
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About Silver Haze Feminized Seeds

Silver Haze Feminized: Everyone knows it and many have smoked it already. Since this variety won first place in the High Times Cannabis Cup, there’s no stopping it. The feminized version of this classic produces solely feminine plants which have a high THC content. A few drags are all it takes for mind and spirit to experience a pulsating high. So buckle up and enjoy the ride.

While growers appreciate the ease of care, users delight in the euphoric sativa high. High-growing plants with long inflorescences and plenty of resin, which produce high yields, are typical of this variety of Haze.

For many fans, Haze is a groundbreaking variety of cannabis; since the early 80s, it has been loved the world over. And even today, 40 years on, many growers are still looking for a strain that offers as many Haze qualities as possible.

Silver Haze was the first variety of cannabis to provide the magical Haze high in a more compact, faster and higher-yield form. Sensi Seeds has spent many years working on the introduction of a reliable feminized variety of this strain, which has plenty of indoor potential.

Silver Haze Feminized seeds are a purely feminine variety, which were backcrossed to their original Haze properties over generations. In addition to the Haze strain, we also used a non-dominant Northern Lights strain as the parent plant.

Silver Haze Feminized Growth Pattern

The result: high-growing plants with high yields, significant resin production and long inflorescences, which extend to the main stem and side branches. A colourfast sativa, Silver Haze Feminized is able to grow and flower almost simultaneously. Seedlings that are 1 metre high, which already begin to flower at 10 cm, are fairly common.

The strong growth can also be used to encourage growth in other plants in the immediate vicinity or for a Screen of Green (SCROG). This variety of marijuana responds just as positively to lollipopping or supercropping techniques. Bear in mind that the geographical roots of the Haze variety lie in Thailand, Mexico and Colombia. Outdoor growing only works in regions where the plants are given sufficient time to flower. The plants should be left for 65 to 80 days.

Effect, Flavour and Smell of Silver Haze Feminized

The silver glandular hairs set the expectation: Silver Haze packs a powerful punch. The sensual, cerebral sativa high remains the most valued feature of the Haze family. Because Silver Haze Feminized doesn’t make you sluggish, this type of weed can also be used during the day.

In terms of flavour, you can expect earthy tones consisting of notes of pine and wood. After enjoying the Haze, you will often experience a sweet aftertaste on the tongue.

Did you know?

  • Silver Haze won the High Times Cannabis Cup 1989. The jury praised its compact buds and unrivalled high.
  • Don’t hesitate to place an order if you would prefer to receive this product in Silver Haze Regular form.
Seed Type
Feminized strain
Silver Haze Feminized is a feminized strain, which will only produce plants that flower as females..
Seed Bank
Sensi Seeds
Large yield
Silver Haze Feminized can produce a large yield, without the extra care needed for some of the higher yielding strains
Climate Zone
Sunny / Mediterranean
Silver Haze Feminized can be grown outside in a warm, sunny climate with a long summer.
High plant
Silver Haze Feminized will grow substantially during the flowering phase.
Flowering Time
Long flowering period
Silver Haze Feminized will have a relatively long flowering time.
Sativa / indica
Silver Haze Feminized strain has large proportion of Sativa genes in its background.
Cannabis Cup Winner
Cannabis Cup Winner Gold
Silver Haze Feminized has won a Cannabis Cup or another Cannabis Award.

Product Reviews

Silver Haze
Voici un cannabis medical d'exception, très efficace contre mes crises d'epilepsie du grand mal.. En tout cas largement plus efficace que depakine, keppra & lamotrigine (lamictal), lesquels regorgent de multiples effets secondaires..
Las plantas crecieron altas, sanas y muy vigorosas, con hojas enormes con un brillo plateado azulado impresionante, ver crecer y engordar estas plantas es de lo mejor que un canabicultor puede soñar. La resina que sueltan estas plantas está claramente por encima de la media, hasta las grandes hojas tenían resina en la base, algo realmente colosal.
Las corté a finales de noviembre en exterior, Madrid. Las protegí de las lluvias metiendolas dentro en casa y por las noches para que no pasaran mucho frío, aún siendo un mes de noviembre con mucha nube y lluvias las plantas dieron una producción más que decente, si llega a haber hecho mejor tiempo la producción que hubieran dado hubiera sido descomunal.
Los distintos fenotipos varían en aroma entre Haze tropical frutas maduras/maderas/incienso. Un sabor delicioso a incienso es la base común, realmente fino y agradable que flota alrededor tuyo con ese toque de solemnidad a catedral Haze. Clara y limpia en efecto no deja narcotizado en la bajada y te mantiene activo durante horas y animado. A veces incluso da subidones de euforia en los que te acelera el corazón y te obliga a pasar a la acción, pero sin ser paranoico o ansioso como otras sativas, esto me parece ser un efecto de alta calidad y por eso es mi sativa favorita.
Como dice el Sr. Dronkers 'es bueno disfrutar de ella al menos una vez en la vida'.
Sur 2 graine 1 seule
Sur 2 graine 1 seule a germee..en cours...debut flo se passe bien mais au prix de la graine quand 1 meurt c pas cool
Mijn planten zijn vol in
Mijn planten zijn vol in de groei en doen het tot nu toe erg goed. Alle zaadjes waren uitgekomen.
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