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Master Kush Feminized Seeds by White Label

Seed Type
Feminized strain
Seed Bank
White Label
Medium yield
Climate Zone
Temperate / Continental
Compact plant
Flowering Time
Short flowering period
Sativa / indica
USA Strains
USA Strain
Cannabis Cup Winner
Cannabis Cup Winner Gold
€5.67 / seed
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About Master Kush Feminized Seeds by White Label

Master Kush Feminized by White Label: caution, danger of sticking! The resinous, heavy buds of this cannabis strain are packed with THC and CBD. Whether you produce hashish or not, the unmistakeable smell of Master Kush is reminiscent of charas, and excites indica fans across the entire world. Another plus point: cultivation is child’s play.

What do you get if you cross two well-known landraces from India and Afghanistan? Master Kush! Growers value the short flowering time and low height. Master Kush Feminized can be enjoyed as weed, kief or in the form of home-made hashish.

Master Kush Feminized by White Label growth pattern

The Hindu Kush is a legendary region in Asia. Anyone who knows about hemp knows that the world’s best, pure indica genotypes originate from there. The feminized variant of Master Kush by White Label is the result of many years of breeding activities.

The result is a super-resinous, compact cannabis strain that produces huge volumes of trichomes. As a favourite among growers who want to produce their own hashish, it has long been established on the scene. The solid buds can be enjoyed in dry form, or immediately smoked or vaped.

Typically of an indica, flowering begins relatively early, and lasts for 50 to 55 days. Feminized Master Kush cannabis seeds produce only female plants, which makes weeding out male plants superfluous. This strain is not complicated to grow. It likes to have sufficient nutrients and fertiliser.

In a moderate climate, Master Kush Feminized by White Label can be grown outside. It also flourishes magnificently indoors under artificial light. A Sea of Green (SOG) promises the very best results, possibly even in a hydroponic system. But don’t worry even if you’re not familiar with this cultivation technique, and Lollipopping reminds you more of Chupa Chups than cannabis, your plants will still thrive. Master Kush is known for its large yields.

Effect, flavour and smell of Master Kush Feminized by White Label

Want to shift back a gear, put up your feet, and really relax for a while? Then Master Kush Feminized by White Label is the perfect choice. The wonderfully relaxing effect is down to its indica genes. Somewhat unusual is the fact that it leaves the mind relatively clear. Sharper sensory awareness means getting the best out of every activity.

India fans will immediately recognise the sharp, earthy sandalwood smell: Master Kush is reminiscent of the subcontinent’s well-known, hand-rubbed charas hashish, which is of course logical, since weed from the Kush is one of the main sources for charas production.

Did you know?

  • In 2004, Master Kush was awarded the High Life Cannabis Cup.
  • In addition to this feminized strain, you can also order Master Kush by White Label as Master Kush Regular or Master Kush Automatic seeds.
Seed Type
Feminized strain
Master Kush Feminized is a feminized strain, which will only produce plants that flower as females..
Seed Bank
White Label
Medium yield
Master Kush Feminized will produce a decent amount of bud
Climate Zone
Temperate / Continental
Master Kush Feminized can be grown outside in a normal warm summer.
Compact plant
Master Kush Feminized will have relatively small height gain during the flowering phase.
Flowering Time
Short flowering period
Master Kush Feminized will have a comparatively short flowering time.
Sativa / indica
Master Kush Feminized strain has large proportion of Indica genes in its background.
USA Strains
USA Strain
USA Strain
Cannabis Cup Winner
Cannabis Cup Winner Gold
Master Kush Feminized has won a Cannabis Cup or another Cannabis Award.

Product Reviews

Volle Indica-Power
Beim Morgenkaffee den Kusch und du bist den ganzen Tag King Cool.  Aktiviert sofort alle Sinne, Stress oder Chaos wird als Herausforderung gesehen und man hat sofort den Plan.
Absolute Multitasking skills, daher ABSOLUTER Zockerstoff.
Minimale Reaktionszeit, den absoluten Überblick auf jedem Schlachtfeld, egal ob Real oder auf Konsole.
Für Chaoten wie mich ein Segen weil im Hintergrund immer alle Lösungswege schon im Voraus berechnet und wenn nötig sofortige Ausführung veranlasst wird.
Braucht im Freien ewig zur Blüte (dieses Jahr mitte September) und  einen Platz wo er von morgens bis abends Sonne haben kann.
Zu eng oder im Schatten gepflanzt reduziert den Ertrag enorm.
Übersteht auch Frühjahrsfröste.
Stimmt alles, wird man mit 2.5 bis 3 kilo Ertrag belohnt.
It's ok
It's okay but the Nicole Hindu Kush was superior to me, more powerful, better flavor, more harvest, more overwhelming narcotic effect.
Está bien
Está buena, pero la Nicole hindu kush me resultó superior en potencia, sabor, y producción.
Easy going
Tl;Dr: This plant is smooth sailing, granting you nice weed. Any noob (like myself) should be able to do it.

I really shat the bed on my first grow. I ordered a little bit too late this year, so i had to wait some time due to high demand(legalisation hooray!!). Sensiseeds gifted two extra seeds for the longer waiting time (thank you for those, I really appreciate it<3).
I started growing them outside on the window sill, which was sadly in the shadow for most of the day. Thats why they rank (?not sure if right word) on me, growing high and thin). After a month they went on my parents my parents for another month. They only watered the plant and did not add any fertilizer. Also the Ladies still were in their small pots (0,5l). They were thin and weak, maybe 30 cm high when i put them both in 10 L pots and into a Grow Box. I still managed to get a nice (and legal) yield of my master kush. I think everyone with half a brain and YouTube at their hands can grow some nice with these seeds.
I also love the high.
Als Anfänger outdoor probiert, und was soll ich sagen, hier stehen knapp 3m Pflanzen mit jeweils ca. 4-5 cm dicken Stämmen. Ende August begannen die Pflänzchen Blüten auszubilden und wir warten jetzt mal, wie die Ernte ausfällt. Zumindest hat jeder nur so kleine Zweig Blütenansätze. Als Dünger gabs ausschließen Kaffeesatz aller 2 Wochen und kurz vor der Blüte noch bisschen Phosphor.
Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt sind wir super zufrieden und wir werden auch in Folgejahren wahrscheinlich dieser Sorte treu bleiben.
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