10 Best Places to Meet Other Stoners

Because no two stoners are alike, and some of you find it hard to spend more than fifteen minutes away from your phone, this list is split into indoor and outdoor options. Yes, there are plenty of ways to meet other stoners without leaving the comfort of your phone. Here you go. You’re welcome.

Indoors Places to Meet Other Stoners

Video Game Stoners

Anyone who plays video games knows that each game has its own community, language, etiquette, forums and chat rooms. Because gamers spend so many hours together, it’s only natural that with time they get to know each other, and bonds form. Most gamers set up Facebook group pages to facilitate chats and knowledge sharing outside game-time, and it’s in these spaces where new friendships are forged and virtual love has the chance to become real. According to stoner lore, a few canna-couples have met this way.

Instagram Stoners

If you don’t know that Instagram is an explosive hive of canna-activity, you’re seriously missing out. There are some great accounts there, and linking to one leads to a treasure trove of others. There are too many to cover everyone’s interests here, but just look for whatever interests you, and leave comments to get noticed. The other thing to do is build your own page, and be open about your cannabis use; show how and when and why you use it. You could be a nature-lover who happens to ride dirt bikes at the weekend, whatever, show it, and make sure to include a photo of your favorite strain, or concentrates, or consumption device.

Twitter Stoners

Twitter is also a good place to meet other stoners, though in the world of 280 characters the mix of weed-lovers tends to tilt towards the more serious-minded kind. Activists, journalists, lawyers, and scientists, use Twitter to discuss news stories related to public policy, medical research or corporate activity surrounding cannabis. Following them is a good way to stay up to date on current issues, and means you’ll have something to say when you want to catch someone’s attention. That’s not to say there are no whimsical weed accounts on Twitter; there are, as well as dispensaries, cultivators, and dealers. Find the accounts that fit your flavor, share ideas and interact.

LinkedIn Stoners

If you’re looking for a pot partner, someone who can be a bridge into the industry, LinkedIn is jammed with global cannabis connects in a wide range of sectors from cultivating and processing to manufacturing and networking. There are also a few platforms out there specifically for the cannabis industry, but better to spread the net wide as possible by being where most people are, which is on LinkedIn. Read through the profiles, and find like-minded freaks for brainstorming sessions that could spark up new ideas and friendships, and more.

Craigslist Stoners

An insider source says it’s possible to post an ad under the Intimate Encounters section of Craigslist looking for a blaze buddy and then wade through a lot of dross till you finally find the 5 to 10 per cent of people whose smoking preferences and interests match yours. No knowing who you might meet there, but that’s kind of the point. Be open-minded, and patient.

Outdoor Places to Meet Other Stoners

These options demand social skills IRL, but if you’re partial to fresh air everyone once in a while, you never know who you might meet, or what you may end up smoking.

Grow Shop Stoners

Let’s get real for a second: I’d wager 80 per cent of the customer base at any grow shop is male, right? At most cannabis industry events it’s wall-to-wall bearded cultivators dressed in black. That’s not to say the ladies aren’t out there, they are, just not in the same numbers. And, often, they’ll more likely get some seeds from a friend and buy nutrients from a local gardening shop. The growth of women-led initiatives is encouraging gals who grow to get more public, so it’ll be interesting to see how this evolves in the years to come. In the meantime, if your local grow shop is anything like mine, a lot can be done to make it more appealing to new customers.

Industry Event Stoners

A large crowd of people sitting and standing around wooden benches at an industry event

So, according to me, most cannabis industry events are stuffed with men discussing the latest ganja gadgets and extraction equipment while challenging each other to bong hits, and passing loaded blunts. The lack of women at these events is an issue the industry is starting to tackle, but there’s still a long way to go. Right now, there’s little to draw crowds of ladies to industry events, and as a result it’s hard to find products that fit the expectations of gals who like to puff. In the next few years, as a regulated market edges closer, and more women come out of the cannabis closet, this is going to change. The best way to meet other stoners doing interesting things in the industry is to check out local trade events.

Festival Stoners

There are all the likely suspects such as Sonar in Barcelona, Connections in the south of Spain, Body and Soul in Ireland, Awakenings Festival in Holland, and Glastonbury in England, and if a few days of psychedelic madness is your idea of blazing bliss, you’ll  have a blast. For more intimate events, check out local summer or winter solstice festivals or probably any pagan festivity that involves gathering round a fire.

Cannabis Café Stoners

The interior of a cannabis café with an image of a man with dreadlocks on tv

If you’re fortunate enough to live in a city that has cannabis cafés like Amsterdam or Barcelona, it’s easy to access a diverse cannabis network. Everyone else has to make do with visiting one of these pot paradises for a short spell in the hope of making good cannabis connections. Luckily, both Amsterdam and Barcelona are famously friendly cities and easing into the scene is rarely a problem. Barcelona’s a little trickier as entrance into a club usually depends on sponsorship from an existing member, but it’s nothing that can’t be solved with a little persistence. Remember that Spanish cannabis social clubs are tight-knit communities, so respect the club rules, and it can open the door to a brave new world of blaze buddies.

Hiking Trail Stoners

A man and a woman with large travelling rucksacks at the top of a rocky mountain

Getting to the hike spot might be as challenging as hiking the trail but once you’re there, it’s always worth the effort. And what better way to spend an afternoon than exploring a sun-shaded forest, stopping to sit by a brook, spark up and inhale nature. You never know who might be downwind of your smoke cloud. Take note of the park policies – don’t get in trouble – drink water, and have patience. As you know, folks, Nature takes her sweet old time.

  • Disclaimer:
    Laws and regulations regarding cannabis use differ from country to country. Sensi Seeds therefore strongly advises you to check your local laws and regulations. Do not act in conflict with the law.


6 thoughts on “10 Best Places to Meet Other Stoners”

  1. and it was here that it history was made….This handful of lonely stoners…..smiling

    1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

      Good morning Victoria,

      Thank you for your comment!
      It is definitely my hope that at the very least, this article can serve as a kind of online gathering point for other users so that they can compare experiences together 🙂
      You might also enjoy this article on Where Did 420 Come From, And Where Is It Going?

      Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.
      With best wishes,


  2. I live in Ottawa,CA and am looking for a local female stoner to blaze with. Hit me up.

    1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

      Good afternoon Sam,

      I hope you’re having a great day, thanks for the support for Ottawa, Canada!
      Unfortunately, exchanging contact information in the comments is not permitted under our terms and conditions.
      I would recommend getting involved on our social media accounts; Instagram and Twitter, or head over to Growdiaries 🙂

      In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.
      With best wishes,


  3. Brad G Dayton

    I live in Hollister, CA and am looking for a local female stoner to blaze with. Hit me up.

    1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

      Good afternoon Brad,

      Thanks for your support from Hollister, what a beautiful spot!
      Unfortunately, Exchanging contact information in the comments is not permitted under our terms and conditions. Maybe the Sensi Seeds Instagram account is of interest to you?

      In the meantime thanks for your support, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.
      Good luck finding a blazing partner!


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    Sensi Seeds

    The Sensi Seeds Editorial team has been built throughout our more than 30 years of existence. Our writers and editors include botanists, medical and legal experts as well as renown activists the world over including Lester Grinspoon, Micha Knodt, Robert Connell Clarke, Maurice Veldman, Sebastian Maríncolo, James Burton and Seshata.
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