How to Spot the 7 Most Common Cannabis Plant Deficiencies by Leaf Symptoms

A cannabis plant with yellow leaves curled upward

A cannabis plant is hardy, but its health and vigour will be negatively impacted if it is deprived of essential nutrients. If this is not corrected, it can cause plants to stop growing or even die. Deficiencies in cannabis can be hard to identify, so we have compiled a basic list of what to look out for if things go wrong, and how to fix them.

New cannabis growers are bound to come face to face with a problem or two. Thankfully, cannabis plants are resilient and can stand up on their own in the face of pests or improper growing conditions for a while. But if the problem isn’t rectified in a timely manner, there’s going to be consequences.

One of the biggest mistakes new growers make is overreacting, though. If an iffy situation is spotted, growers should simply acknowledge that and take the time to learn what the problem is and how to properly fix it.

This guide will go over some of the most common problems that can be identified by simply inspecting the leaves. It also will explain how to proceed and get those plants on the road to recovery… and a better yield!

While this definitely isn’t a conclusive list, here are some common growing problems and how they may be identifiable on cannabis leaves (read the rest of this guide for more in-depth help):

  • Yellow leaves: Could be a sign of all deficiencies mentioned below, or light burn
  • Leaves that curl upward: Could be a sign of potassium deficiency, or overwatering
  • Brown leaves: Could be a sign of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, manganese deficiency. Could also be nutrient burn (more solid brown colouring) or heat stress (brown on the edges)
  • Leaves droop: Could be a sign of overwatering
  • Leaves curl downwards: Could be a sign of potassium or phosphorus deficiency, or overwatering

1. Nitrogen deficiency in a cannabis plant

A cannabis plant with yellow leaves
The later stages of nitrogen deficiency; lower leaves have begun to drop off, and even upper leaves are pale yellow

Nitrogen deficiency is probably the most common deficiency reported by cannabis growers. It’s usually easy to identify and correct as soon as it becomes apparent, although it shares a basic resemblance to several other deficiencies in the early stages.

In the early stages of nitrogen deficiency, leaves appear to be too light in colour—almost yellowish-green—compared to the desired deep green of healthy leaves. Nitrogen-deficient leaves also typically have slightly darker veins compared to the very light colour of the leaf tissue itself—although the contrast is not as marked as in some other deficiencies.

At the other end of the spectrum, nitrogen toxicity results in leaves taking on a very dark green hue that can look almost black in extreme cases.

In severe cases of nitrogen deficiency, the leaves appear lighter and lighter in colour, and eventually begin to dry out and die. The larger leaves on the lower and outer parts of the plant are often the first to be affected and the first to die.

How to fix nitrogen deficiency

If nitrogen deficiency becomes apparent in the later stages of flowering, it doesn’t need to be corrected. In fact, it’s natural for the older leaves to drop off and die at this point as they are no longer needed.

However, a nitrogen deficiency in vegetative growth or early flower can severely impact overall yield and quality, as it affects the plant’s ability to photosynthesize energy. Nitrogen deficiency can usually be corrected by simply increasing the strength of your normal NPK-based feed, but if fine-tuning is required then nitrogen-only additives are not hard to find.

2. Phosphorus deficiency in a cannabis plant

A cannabis leaf with purplish-brown necrotic patches
Severely phosphorus-deficient leaves, showing the purplish-brown necrotic leaf patches

Phosphorus deficiencies are rare, but should be cause for concern. If it affects plants in the vegetative stage, it can cause reduced growth rates, small leaves, weak roots, and plants that are generally lacking in vigour. In the early stages, phosphorus deficiency usually causes leaves to appear dark but washed-out, with very dark veins and somewhat lighter leaf tissue.

As it progresses, purplish discolourations begin to appear on the main part of the leaves and the leaf edges begin to turn brown and curl downwards. The leaf petioles (the small stalk attaching the leaf to the main stem) may also begin to turn a purplish colour. In the final stages, large patches of the leaves become purplish-brown and dead, while the remaining sections turn mottled yellowish-green.

Again, phosphorus deficiencies usually affect the outer, lower leaves first. Unlike nitrogen deficiency though, phosphorus deficiency at any stage is cause for concern, as the plants continue to require high levels of phosphorus throughout the flowering period.

How to fix phosphorus deficiency

There are several ways you can fix a phosphorus deficiency. Just remember to take it slow. If any remedy is overdone, the plant could end up not getting enough of other nutrients and fare worse than if it had been left alone. With that said, here are a few methods for fixing it:

  • Temperature – Don’t let the temperature drop below 15 degrees Celsius, as colder temperatures make it difficult for cannabis plants to absorb phosphorus.
  • Water correctly – Ensure the plants are watered correctly. Too much water and soil that’s too packed can lead to a phosphorus deficiency.
  • pH Products – Use a pH up or pH down to ensure the roots have the correct pH level. It should be between 6 and 7.
  • Add Phosphorus Sources – Add sources rich in phosphorus to the soil. Some sources that can be used are fish meal, warm casting, soft rock phosphate and crab shell. (Or simply use a good organic fertilizer that automatically ensures balanced soil)

Once the problem is corrected, new leaves shouldn’t show the discolouring signs of phosphorus deficiency. Keep in mind that old leaves will likely not recover and that’s perfectly normal.

3. Potassium deficiency in a cannabis plant

Yellowish cannabis leaves with darker veins and dry, brown leaf edges and tips
Potassium-deficient leaves, showing the yellowish leaves with darker veins and dry, brown leaf edges and tips

Potassium deficiencies are particularly rare in hydroponics systems, but somewhat more common when growing in soil or a planting medium. Potassium deficiencies often arise when there is too much nitrogen or calcium in your chosen medium—which can make it difficult to correct with combined-nutrient feeds.

It is therefore advisable to correct potassium deficiency by reducing levels of nitrogen or calcium, and using a single-nutrient potassium additive if the problem persists. Checking pH and flushing your plants with half-strength nutrient solution may also help.

In the early stages of potassium deficiency, the edges of the lower, outer leaves begin to turn pale yellow, while the veins remain green. The leaf tips and edges may become dry and brown and begin to curl up or down.

As the deficiency progresses, brown, necrotic spots begin to appear all over the leaves, and the edges take on a dry, scorched appearance. New leaves may become twisted and misshapen, and older leaves will begin to drop off. Plants may also exhibit stretching (with large gaps between internodes) and in the flowering stage, buds will not put on weight as rapidly as in normal conditions.

How to fix potassium deficiency

Getting a potassium deficiency fixed in time is crucial to the production of terpenes, which will directly affect the flavour and aroma of your bud.

First ensure the soil’s pH is correct, as too high of a pH level is the most common reason for potassium deficiency. Cannabis plants in soil that has a high pH will struggle to absorb potassium. pH should generally be between 6 and 7. In hydro systems though, it should be a little more acidic. In that case, aim for 5.5 – 6.5. And as always, proper watering is vital (don’t overwater!).

If using supplements, it’s important to understand them and how they work. Certain nutrients can affect other nutrients or even completely block them out. For example, nitrogen and calcium will result in less potassium being absorbed.

4. Magnesium deficiency in a cannabis plant

Yellowed cannabis leaves with darker veins, and brown, dry leaf edges
Magnesium deficiency, showing the yellowed leaves, darker veins, and brown, dry leaf edges

A magnesium deficiency can appear very similar to potassium deficiency. In the early stages, the leaf edges begin to turn yellow while the veins remain dark. As the deficiency progresses, the leaf edges start to dry out and curl inwards; the upper leaves will also become affected until eventually even new growth is pale and chlorotic (lacking in chlorophyll). Brown spots may also appear on the lower leaves before they begin to drop off and die.

How to fix magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiencies are relatively common, and can usually be corrected by adding magnesium sulphate or Epsom salts to your feed. To treat this problem for the long run though, the plants should be flushed with pH6 water, then fed supplements developed specifically for cannabis plants. An even better option is fully upgrading the nutrients with premium products that cater to the plant’s growth medium (hydro, soil, or coco).

5. Sulphur deficiency in a cannabis plant

Pale yellow cannabis leaves with slightly darker veins
Sulphur deficiency affecting the newer leaves first and turning them pale yellow with slightly darker veins

Sulphur deficiency looks a lot like nitrogen deficiency in the early stages, as it causes the entire leaf to be pale and chlorotic, with very slightly darker veins. You’ll clearly see the yellow spots on weed leaves. However, sulphur deficiency usually affects the newer leaves first, unlike nitrogen deficiency. It also affects the back of the leaf first before progressing towards the tip, unlike many other deficiencies.

As the deficiency progresses, leaf tips and edges may begin to turn brown and dry; this effect is often much subtler than with other deficiencies causing the same symptom. In the final stages, the entire leaf appears whitish-yellow, and older leaves will begin to drop off.

How to fix sulphur deficiency

Sulphur deficiencies are quite rare, and can usually be corrected by adding Epsom salts to the feed. Depending on the severity, a few teaspoons per gallon of water should do the trick. Sulphur rich fertilisers can also be used. Some that you can consider are:

  • Ammonium sulphate, providing 24% sulphur
  • Magnesium sulphate, providing 22% sulphur
  • Potassium sulphate, providing up to 22% sulphur
  • Calcium sulphate, providing up to 18% sulphur

If access to fresh manure is available, layering the garden’s soil with manure is also an option that will constantly feed sulphur into the soil. Of course, some people might not think highly of getting high with weed fertilized with, well… poop.

6. Manganese deficiency in a cannabis plant

Cannabis leaves with yellow and necrotic leaf spots
Severe manganese deficiency, showing the yellow leaves and necrotic leaf spots

Manganese deficiency is also rare, and shares several points of similarity with sulphur deficiency. In the early stages, leaves will begin to yellow, leaving slightly darker veins. The yellowing often occurs at the base of the leaf, before spreading out towards the tip. As the deficiency progresses, brown, necrotic spots will begin to appear all over the leaves; these spots will spread throughout the plant if it is not corrected.

How to fix manganese deficiency

If caught early, manganese deficiency can usually be corrected by flushing with 6pH water and adding a light 6pH nutrient solution. It’s also wise to make sure there isn’t an overabundance of iron, since that can hinder manganese absorption. If it doesn’t clear up in about a week, consider using manganese chelate.

Sadly, if it’s reared its ugly head during blooming, there’s some serious pruning that needs to be done to get rid of affected areas. Just remember to not do it all at once, as suddenly snipping away all that foliage can cause undue stress on the plants.

7. Iron deficiency in a cannabis plant

Cannabis leaves turning yellow
Later stages of iron deficiency, showing the upper leaves affected first, as well as the inner part of the leaf

Iron deficiency is also rare. Sometimes, you’ll notice the leaf veins remain darker green, but in many cases of iron deficiency, the veins become yellowed and washed-out in appearance. Often an iron deficiency will reveal itself in similar ways to other deficiencies:

  • The base of the leaf is often affected first, as you’d see with sulphur or manganese deficiency
  • The newer leaves are often affected before the lower leaves, as you’d see with sulphur deficiency
  • The leaves can become extremely light yellow or almost white, as you’d see with magnesium deficiency

How to fix iron deficiency

Iron deficiencies are often caused by overly high (basic) pH and can be corrected by flushing your medium with clean pH’d water and if necessary, adding an iron supplement. Iron can react with various other nutrients and cause problems of its own, so it is important to tread carefully and observe all changes very keenly.

While the signs of these deficiencies may seem similar to one another, close monitoring of plants from the beginning will help you spot them quickly. If you do happen to notice something going haywire, stay calm and use these guidelines to choose the appropriate course of action. Heavy-handed treatment in a panic will likely just lead to other problems (possibly even worse).

  • Disclaimer:
    Laws and regulations regarding cannabis cultivation differ from country to country. Sensi Seeds therefore strongly advises you to check your local laws and regulations. Do not act in conflict with the law.


109 thoughts on “How to Spot the 7 Most Common Cannabis Plant Deficiencies by Leaf Symptoms”

  1. Hi I’m having a few issues with different plants and am hitting a wall. One of them the leaves are turning a brown-goldish color. It starts out on the points of the leaves. The second one is I have a plants that this beautiful green, it keeps getting taller but produces no buds yet and is a auto flower plant. I have checked the spacing of the light to plant and it’s been correct the entire grow. I had a plant in the past do this and could never figure out a solution over time it kept growing taller and finally started to die off so I cut it down :/ I don’t want it to happen again to this plant. My ppms and oh have also been in range. Any ideas or tips would highly be helpful!

    1. I had another flower do that to me once. And then I flip the lights on it and it Start it to Bud but at that point I wasn’t sure if it was an unflower. So I miss around with a little bit and ended up becoming a hermy

  2. I have these orange maybe brown dots on older lower leaves an it seems it’s working it’s way up to the newer leaves .. these lil brown dots start in Middle of leaf n spread out amongst each leaf few here one here one

    1. Iv got nutrient burn so I flushed twice with 6ph water only (soil outdoor)then fed with liquid potash to increase PK hope it fixes the problem because I’m coming up to week 7 of buds and it’s really stressed tips are very perishable

      1. Hi it’s Geoff again
        I’m worried about root rot from lack of Pk could I change the soil completely or it’s too stressful for the plant because it’s in flower

      2. Hi it’s Geoff again
        I’m worried about root rot from lack of Pk could I change the soil completely or it’s too stressful for the plant because it’s in flower

      1. Great pics. Still, my plant, outdoors, transplanted about 2 months ago, soil medium, pH high 6.

        I’m seeing some lower leaves, smaller leaves, yellowing. No spots, no darker green veins, just slowly fading to yellow. Not drooping, leaf position looks normal.

        I’m checking with a moisture meter says almost dry so I water.

        How can I establish a fertilizing schedule and could it be nitrogen or magnesium given the faded leaves inner portion of plant. Thnx!

  3. If you have mineral problems with your plants, just mix 250 ml of water with granulated 1x regular multivitamin+mineral supplement. Probably the substance will be orange and smell like orange juice like mine, and use this as it has a variety of minerals and will probably fix anything. Don’t forget to check the PH of the substance before using for your plants. I use it quite regularly as a supplement to regular NPK nutrition and water and I see plants respond good to it in the 3/4th week of veg.

    1. Mark Smith - Sensi Seeds

      Good morning Easyfix!

      Thanks for sharing your experiences with mineral differences.
      Always great advice to check the Ph of your medium before!

      Have a fantastic day!


      1. Milwaukee J

        Did you ever figure out what was causing the orange spots, u mentioned above? I know it’s been awhile since u posted the question But I’m having the same issue and cannot figure out what it is? Do u by chance have a solution u can share with me? Thanks in advance, it’s wreaking havoc on my flowing girls and my super crop clones I took that are in veg right now and I’m HOPING I can correct this issue before it’s costs me more as I can notice a difference in my bud size

  4. Added to my “Cannabis Growing” favorites tab. This article alone, helped me realize my 4.0pH tap water was causing my plant to be unable to use the potassium. This is the only spot I could find a picture of what my plant actually looked like, without knowing what it actually was.

  5. Hello,

    Asking for a friend,

    Whats the difference between leaves that have septoria fungus or a deficiency ? septora looks quite similar to sulphur or potassium deficiency.

    1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

      Good morning Fonz,

      Thanks for your question,
      Septoria or Yellow Leaf Spot Is a bacteria that usually appears in warm and humid climates. The symptoms first appear on the bottom leaves of the plant, and fungus spores can be spread by wind and rain. Potassium deficiencies often arise when there is too much nitrogen or calcium, and sulphur deficiency causes the entire leaf to be pale with slightly darker veins.
      You might also be interested in our article on Top 10 Craziest Cannabis Mutations

      Thanks for your question, and I hoped this has helped!
      Have a great day!


  6. It starts with the tip on the leaves being brownish, then the leaves turn yellow. Also, the plants are particularly slow to grow; it seems there is a root development issue as well. I’m not sure it is nitrogen issue nor zinc. What do you think?

    1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

      Good morning Jerome,

      Thanks for your question, Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog.
      Sometimes our other readers will be able to offer their opinions.

      Please check out the following articles on our blog which I think you may find of use, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      How to regenerate cannabis plants and Understanding, Identifying and Using Cannabis Leaves

      With best wishes,


    2. Adam Wallis

      I have faint white patches on some of my leaves. Despite this my leaves are nice and green, any ideas what this is ?

      1. Is it outdoor? It could be mold! Or even indoor, if you have an unventilated room. I’ve seen that happen when there’s been too much rain.

    3. Jerome, my guess is if the tips are turning brown, you’re overwatering it. That’s one cause, or it could be a deficiency, perhaps a potassium deficiency, but if the leaves are turning yellow that’s a nitrogen deficiency. So, it’s possible they’re either so deficient in Nitrogen that the tips are becoming brown first, but that doesn’t seem to be a consistent thing, brown tips for me have generally meant over watering, the plant is too cold, or you’re burning the plant’s leaves. If it’s turning yellow, you need to go get it food and get on a feeding schedule. That’s a starting point, you should check the pH right now to save yourself time.

  7. Hello I’m new to growing and after I transplanted my plant to a bigger pot like 6 days later these spots started appearing on the edges of my leaves and then it just decayed the edges of some of my leaves but not all of them and nothing on the new growth. Any help is greatly appreciated or where could I go for help. Thanks

    1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

      Good afternoon Cory,

      Thanks for your comment,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours.

      Please check out the following articles on our blog which I think you may find of use, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      The life cycle of cannabis: From seed to harvest

      When can seedlings be put under lights or in the sun

      With best wishes,


    2. I am getting tiny yellowish spots on some of the new growth leaves. Not sure what it is!

  8. Oh my I was hoping for answers but I see that there isn’t any! just we cant tell You because its illegal. It’s legal here praise the goddess. I hope one day you can answer!. I think I have a pest and maybe magneiusm . But im trying to find organic fix to get rid of tiny pests without ruining taste

    1. Try neem oil. Or green clean.
      This guide was to help identify and remedy “common deficiencies. It does that just fine.

    2. Your best bet is either lady bugs or praying mantises. It doesn’t get any more natural than that, plus they’re cool to watch when they’re hunting those nasty little pests. And they are also reasonably priced.

      1. Ladybugs bugs n mantis ‘r great outdoors, but inside ur lady bugs will fly into the lights n die if there’s an opening. They’re miracle workers outside tho. Spray this shit called Lost Coast. It’s a therapy, NOT a cure. It’s better than neem, natural, don’t stink, n protects n prevents MANY things. Many poisons got removed from market cuz too many idiots misusing n still selling product leaving chemicals or remnants of thier problems cuz not enough time given. 63000 lbs of pot hit the market this year cuz non growing ass ppl cheating the tests n the State not holding anyone accountable. Dispos r their own enemy…..if u want good pot from good growers, U DONT BUY THE BAD SHIT FROM BAD FARMERS N only good farmers will make money n succeed where the asshole who don’t care n still sells his garbage will fail, make no money n STOP GROWING.. or get their shit together. Dispos also r responsible for degrading the price of weed by buying the shit, but also to compete w obesity another. Jus TALK. Set a fn price ur all cozy w in ur region, n STOP even presenting anything less than the best to the public. Weed buying n consuming shld b high class…like wines or perfumes. Top numbers, freshest produce, maintain integrity for the weed and URSELF. Rec or Med, marijuana needs to b safe, carcinogen free, n the market restabilized. Rant over. Sry. Wrong platform.

    3. Try a light dose of neem oil. Spray plant with a good fine mist sprayer. Make sure you do this when not in direct sun and towards end of day. Let the spray sit s good five minutes and then rinse with a ph balanced water mist. This works before plants start to flower. Spray underside of leaves! This is where they like to hide.

      1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

        Good afternoon Enginness,

        Thank you for your comment and sharing your experience!
        Some great points, they definitely love to hide on the underside of the leaves!

        I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

        With best wishes,


    4. Sounds like your plant might have spidermites. They’re very tiny & live on bottom side of leaves. The longer you wait to treat plant the harder it is to get rid of them, and must treat/spray plants every leaf very well every 2-3 days about 15 mins before lights go off for at least a few weeks.
      Try ‘Prosper D2M Death to Mites’. It’s a white bottle with yellow label.
      Also try MBV2, Mighty Bomb V2. Black bottle.
      Both products work great, won’t hurt plants or affect taste.

      1. If you put Neem oil you will ruin your product it is the worst flavor imaginable, imagine throwing away two pounds (after trying to smoke it anyway) 😭

    5. I had a pest problem (aphids) put a couple lady bugs in and they got rid of the aphids. Spiders I don’t know what fixes that maybe lady bugs also if they are the little ones. Could try I guess?

      1. Spiders don’t hurt plants. That’s a nickname for certain aphids. Many types of aphids exist, but spider mites SUCK. years ago I used MIGHTY WASH. Worked well, must use as bottle says! If ur too close to harvest, use a NATURAL cure that will disperse by harvest. When spraying plants for ANY problem, this is not one of the times to b lazy bout it. Remove infected area, thin out the plant, n DO NOT MISS A MILLIMETER OF COVERAGE. N do as the manufacturer says.

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi MB,

      There’s not much I can say to this other than once again, commenter gives no details about what they disagree with about the article 🙂 If you let me know which parts of this text you feel are wrong, and why, I might be able to help. In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

      With best wishes,


      1. Because this article is obviously the usual copy paste bogus info page. Right at the start your copied pictures are not examples of nitrogen deficiency. After visiting enough of these completely ill informed blogs regurgitating the same old stuff but putting it through a blender first…gd its just so irritating that the first three pages of a search are loaded with this crap

      2. Mark - Sensi Seeds

        Good afternoon,

        Thanks for your comment and your feedback. Thank you for pointing this out, you are absolutely correct. This is not a nitrogen deficiency, and we are currently working to correct the mistake in the article.

        We are continuously checking and updating the articles on our blog, and we really appreciate it when our readers alert us to errors in them. The date of the most recent update can be found at the top of the article.

        Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

        With best wishes,


    2. If you’re looking for an organic pest treatment I would recommend looking into Lacto-bacillus culture or “LABs” It’s cheap and simple to make at home, just starch water,(from washing rice), and milk, and a couple weeks of time for the culture to grow. This is a great pest treatment and promotes good bacterial growth in soil. You can find recipes online.

    3. Heath Vachon

      You catch more flies with honey than poo my friend. Spread some love and some will spread to you.

  9. Hi… I’m a new grower and I was wondering if buds go through a shaggy, kinda ugly stage during flowering?…Mine has done it’s 2 weeks pre flowering and just finished it’s 3rd week of flowering and its growing a lot of shaggy, soon to be sugar leaves (I’m guessing) , but that seems to be all their doing… It’s a 5 ft plant that I vegged for 3 1/2 months before flowering to get a larger yeild. Are they just getting ready to bulk up with the shaggy growth? Because she is growing a ton of huge hairs at the same time.

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Ken,

      Depending on the variety, the kind of thing you describing can happen (if it’s how I’m imagining it). Growing a ton of huge hairs is a good sign.

      Good luck, and happy gardening!

      With best wishes,


    2. What’s the strain? The “shaggy” look could just be sugar leaves and is part of the growth of that particular pheno. Calyx production seems to be really developing in weeks 5-8+. A bit more info on what your particular situation is would help. Such as-
      Kind of light
      Nutrient regiment
      Pot size
      What kind of water(city , stream, bottled..

    3. Some phenotypes can be shaggy. Some can be tall. Some short and stout. Your pheno is shaggy. As your flowers start to flourish, they will start to overtake those small, shaggy sugar leaves. Just stay the course and be sure to monitor your PH going in AND out. If you achieve a nutrient lock-up or deficiency due to PH issues, this can cause slow growth and make it seem like the flowers will never fill out. Being you’re only 3 weeks into flower, Im going to assume you just need to stay the course and have patience. She will fill out as long as you keep checking all the right boxes. Good grows to you, Ken!

    4. Pot comes as different as ppl. Many kinds, many characteristics. U want air n light to reach the bud sites. I remove bottoms, shape n prune the plant to allow that. Middle buds suck the life outta the tops n u get small buds. BUT BUT BUT..there are a few “shaggy” kinds that will produce great buds erywhere, they almost connect n become one up the whole branch n need little “thinning”…….Most kinds must b done w the proper pruning/manicuring or it will not yield well. We got “pros” on YouTube fn this up. They grow 2000 plants or whatever ridic number n can’t manage all of it proper, they kno this n jus shoot for numbers n add more small pot in their trim or drop price n dispos sell us the tiny garbage

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Sean,

      Please have a look at this blog post, which will hopefully help your situation. Good luck and happy gardening!

      With best wishes,


  10. To be honest, I think it might be useful to put a link to the forums at the end of these articles and close comments.

    Obviously people continue to think the comments are here for specific grow questions, and I’m not quite sure why they’re open anyway.

    If it’s some marketing idiot that says random comments “drive engagement”, maybe, if you’re running a lifestyle blog and deriving income off advertising. But you’re selling a product, and honestly, low quality comments can detract from the perceived quality of the content (that’s here to guide us to your product, in the end).

    Sorry for the soapbox, but I’m sure it’d free up a lot of time (also money) not having to constantly tell everyone where to go! If someone is has a problem with the facts in the article, there’s still the forums or send an email!

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi TR,

      Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately our forums are no longer active, so I’m encouraging our blog readers to help each other in the comments. Closing the comments to this thread would prevent our readers from interacting with each other, and from experience I know that people with grow questions will simply leave them on a different article, even if it’s got nothing to do with growing!

      I hope this explains our position, and that you continue to enjoy the blog.

      With best wishes,


  11. Albino are rare. The problem is that plants need Chlorophyll. Albino plants lack Chlorophyll which is what causes the green color.
    Unfortunately, it won’t survive, and definitely won’t bud.
    You got yourself a super rare plant, but thats about it. Take a picture to remember it.

  12. I can not believe how many people attempt a garden, without a basic understanding of how to do so. Whats worse, is that they pose a complaint for all to see, not realizing how ignorant they sound.
    Sensi Seeds is one of THE BEST. Some seeds may not germinate. It certainly isn’t their fault. Those w/ common growth knowledge realize this.
    The color of your seeds have NOTHING to do w/ the color of the final product. Would the color of the cow affect the milk they produce? Nope. Quit with the ridiculous commentary, people. RESEARCH BEFORE BUYING.

    1. THANK YOU! So many morons don’t pick up a single book. Even a fn botany 101 book wld give u basics. 100’s of grows go up each yr n 100’s shutdown. Killing quality, killing, market, n much more bs I can’t get into here. Its maddening that ppl think, it’s legal now, I’ll jus plant a seed n be rich! Go get a greenhouse job.. this shit is work! U gotta kno the plant, kno how it works. There’s ppl out there who don’t even kno basic knowledge n only hurting themselves for not READING SOMETHING from an AUTHORITY. N the misinfo ppl spread tryn to help each other sickens me! It like they think it’s a religion instead of a SIMPLE SCIENCE that humans mastered centuries ago. (Agriculture)

  13. Hiya my leaves look like they have little hot rock burns in them and end up looking like the are slowly going brown at the edges like the are eating themselves because there are no dead leaves on the top of the soil

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Louis,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi there,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


      1. Scarlet, I’m curious… What legal restrictions are you referring to? It CERTAINLY isn’t against US law, state or federal to respond to and in a horticulture fashion, no matter the subject, else it would effect the sale of publishing such literature. The act of physically growing and or possession, depending where you are at, COULD be illegal, however exercising free speech is fine. There are other sites, that share like information aside from other big readers offering opinion, good or most often questionable! Thank you and Regards

    2. Sounds like your plant might have spidermites. They’re very tiny & live on bottom side of leaves. The longer you wait to treat plant the harder it is to get rid of them. And must treat/spray plants every 2-3 days about 15 mins before lights go off for at least a few weeks.

  14. Scott Grindstaff

    I can’t tell what sexuality my plant is because it keeps growing leaves out from the branch and the steam. I can’t see any hair or pods

  15. Hi Sensi Seeds my leaves are white and some are green the white leaves are not mouldy it’s the same texture as the green leaves I would really like a respond to my two tone plant

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Love,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


  16. I recently started some seedlings, one was all white like an albino. It’s still alive but seems to have slow growth, compared to its siblings. Will this plant amount to anything anything

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Dewdrop,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


  17. Hi everyone,

    I really need some help here, I have been trying for several months to plant my seeds but I always end in failure.

    I am using “Mexican Sativa” , I have tried planting indoors and outdoors, I also tried putting the seeds in the soil directly and tried germinating them first in plates and paper towels, I almost tried every possible way, however, each time the plant comes out very thin, it opens 2 to 4 papers maximum and stays like that for a month or so then dies.

    Can you please please help me with some suggestions as I used about 10 seeds and I have only 3 or 4 left to try and I don’t want them all to die.

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Mo,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


  18. Inês de Oliveira Batalha Pirraça

    Good Morning. I bought a seed and it stagnated, started to turn yellow, and the leaves are becoming wilted.
    It is a self-flowering seed and I want to know how long they have to take light and how often water is given. Thanks

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Ines,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


  19. Alena Meadows

    I just found this and your comments, responses, posts. I am so impressed with you Scarlet! Your professionalism and willingness to help. Keep up the great work!

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Alena,

      Thank you so much for your kind words and positive feedback! 🙂 I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

      With best wishes,


  20. Dorothy Gabriele

    my plant leaves are turning yellow and they look like they have a brown line down the middle. Can anyone help me?

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Gary,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, we do have the Sensi Seeds Forum where you can browse through questions and share the experiences of cannabis and gardening enthusiasts.

      Also, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


  21. Finally! Some good pics with great descriptions. Thank you for that. However, I was looking for an answer for a plant stock going relish/purple. I figure it must be some type of lock-out or deficiency. Or too much of something. Ideas? what this could be or cause?

    1. Viking grows

      Hi, the purple/red stems would be an oxygen deficiency, happened to me when i overwatered and i didnt have a fan in the tent

  22. Can someone help me with a problem?
    I have purple bud,it’s not autoflowering so my question is does a feminized cannabis need a male plant for flowering or is it just like autoflowering?

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Payam,

      For legal reasons, I cannot give grow advice, but I can answer your question. Feminized cannabis plants will flower just fine on their own. Males are really only necessary for fertilizing the flowers to produce seeds, although this article does have more information on male plants which you may find interesting.

      With best wishes,


    2. If you put a male near your lovely female the result will be seeds upon seeds (which won’t be feminizes) and will be a wasted endeavor. If you want buds grow a female Change the lights to start flowering

    3. Research, research. why do people ask questions that the answer too are so readily available. Part of being a good farmer is research .the other part DIY . Which speaks aloud.

  23. hey guys anybody could answer me abouth early skunk
    if everything goes well this strain whats the total time. from the seed to harvesting.
    average 3 months less or what?

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi there,

      The total time for a cannabis strain (unless it’s autoflowering) depends on how long the vegetation time is, which is up to the individual grower if growing indoors and up to nature if growing outdoors. This post on the difference between indoor and outdoor seeds might be useful. The flowering time of Early Skunk indoors is given as 55 – 65 days, so outdoors in a Northern European climate (cool/cold, summers not very long) it should be finished by the end of September / beginning of October. I hope this helps 🙂

      With best wishes,


    2. James R Hart

      There are a lot of variances in that. When light is turned back, naturally or artificially, they will start to bud and if it’s an early strain, it should be about 6 weeks

  24. ryan lafitte

    Hi, Sensi.
    Definitely starting to experience an iron deficiency on my 3 month old.
    The centers of the upper/newer leaves are turning bright green, and beginning to become patchy, but my real problem,
    (That I’ve been trying to remedy by painstakingly searching trouble shooting tutorials/forums for about 2 weeks)
    ,is about a reddish color that is starting to form on the same leaves that are showing the iron-D, almost as if someone has been trying to make a picture of a weed leaf look 3-D with an air-brush that has red paint in it. It’s not on the top veins, but there’s a similar color on the underneath of the same leaves on the veins, but it’s all quite faint looking right now.
    No matter how I posed this question,
    No matter what search engine I used on any site/site forums,
    No matter how much I read, watched and even listened to without video,
    ,I just couldn’t find anything regarding the combination in question.
    Thanks for your time and effort.

    1. My plants look like they have snell tracks on the leaves, I don’t know what it is, do you have any advice? Thank you!

      1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

        Hi Guy,

        Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

        With best wishes,


      2. Indeed thrips. Boil some water, throw two teaspoons of cinnamon in a glass container, a drop of dish liquid, and some slices of very hot chilly (Madame Jeanette). Mix well and let it stand for a 24 hours. Strain through a coffee filter. Pour strained liquid into a mister. Spray you plants with this solution, also make sure to spray under the leaves and on the stems and a little on the soil. Repeat 3 times once a week. They’ll be gone after the 3rd round, if not, repeat.

  25. purple bud seeds,
    mine also had no purple?? I just thought it was me? no like your description?

  26. hey seshata can i please send you some pictures of my girls and see if you can help me solve my problems been doing research and it could be anything

    if you can get back to me i wiould be over the moon

  27. i realy LOVE IT ,and i did have some of the “problms”you talk about on yor cronicle,i did correct im on time,(well ,in reality was a friend(so now im by my one this year,and i wold love (if possible)have more information.!thank you ……….!ho ,im just a early stage beginner as a grower ,if that help.?!!!!!!!!!!!!!thank you!

  28. Hi bought purple bud seeds and they finished and have not turned purple what’s happened sensi.?

    1. Steve godfrey

      Keep ur plants around 62 degrees for a couple of weeks this will turn and plant purple

  29. Hi sensi seeds having big problems trying to complain about purple bud seeds i bought they are not purple trying to contact costumer service department but i don’t think you have one as i am being sent round in circles. Await you contacting me i have been a loyal costumer for a couple of years.Sean .

      1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

        Hi there,

        I think perhaps you have misunderstood the comment? The seeds are for a cannabis strain that has a strong tendency to turn purple (although this does not always happen), the seeds themselves are not purple. As another commenter has pointed out, plants in cool and cold environments are more likely to turn purple.

        With best wishes,


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    Sensi Seeds

    The Sensi Seeds Editorial team has been built throughout our more than 30 years of existence. Our writers and editors include botanists, medical and legal experts as well as renown activists the world over including Lester Grinspoon, Micha Knodt, Robert Connell Clarke, Maurice Veldman, Sebastian Maríncolo, James Burton and Seshata.
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