420 Punch

420 Punch

For those looking for an easy-to-grow strain that delivers a satisfying harvest, 420 Punch Feminized is a great choice, and with the right conditions, any grower can succeed. We recently grew 420 Punch in our garden and were blown away by the results. The flowers were bursting with terpenes and offered a euphoric, body-tingling experience.

Flowering stage: 64 days

Total time, seed to harvest: 99 days

Final yield: 97 grams

THC content: 25.25%  

For this indoor cultivation cycle, our 420 Punch Feminized seeds were started in a jiffy cube and then placed into BAC Lava Soil Mix after the seedling emerged. For the first week, we used a 600W Green Power Phillips HPS bulb and switched by the week’s end to a 1000W bulb mounted three metres above the soil. 

For the vegetative stage, we supplemented BIO Grow and BIO Bloom throughout the flowering stage. Whether feeding water or feeding nutrients to our 420 Punch Feminized plant, we always made sure to pH the solution to 6.2. Two oscillating fans mounted on opposite walls provided airflow within our space, and to reduce the potentially pungent aroma, we used an inline fan, which pulled odorous air into a carbon filter, removing the aroma.

Throughout the cycle, environmental factors were watched closely to optimise growth potential. Temperatures were maintained at 23°C throughout the day and, during the evening, dropped to 21°C. As our 420 Punch is photo dependent, we started with 18 hours on 6 hours for the vegetative cycle before switching to 12 hours on and 12 hours off to initiate flowering. Relative humidity levels were adjusted at various growth stages, but our starting level was 65%. 

Germination & seedling

Excited to germinate our 420 Punch Feminized seeds, we created a small opening in the pre-moistened jiffy cubes and placed them around 3.5 cm below the surface.

Within 48 hours, we could see the crown emerging from our medium, but before moving our seedlings into the soil, It was essential to let the tap root establish feeder roots. We avoided overwatering the delicate new root zone and ensured the jiffy cube stayed dry during this period. On the third day, we added 100 ml of water to maintain the cube’s moisture levels and included a diluted concentration of rooting hormone in the water.


In week two, our 420 Punch Feminized stood 4 cm above the medium, and it was time to transfer our jiffy cube into a 1-litre pot filled with soil. We added 400 ml of water in combination with the rooting hormone, and by the end of the week, our seedling was 19 cm above the soil. 

Our 420 Punch Feminized plant was thriving and showing signs of healthy growth. As a precaution against pesky pests, we introduced two types of predator bugs into the growing environment. We strategically placed sachets of Neoseiulus Californicus and Amblyseuis Swirskii along the main stem to fend off thrips, aphids, and fungus gnat larvae. It’s important to note that these bug predators pose no threat to the plant’s overall health and well-being.

During week three, roots began poking through the drainage holes, and to allow the roots more room to expand, we transplanted our 420 Punch Feminized into a 5-litre pot. The watering volume was increased to 800 ml and used the BIO Grow nutrients, which held an EC of 1.8. Our feeding was aggressive, but there were no signs of nutrient burn on our 420 Punch, and our plant now measured 31 cm. We chose not to top or train our plant because the nodal spacing remained tight. 

Our 420 Punch Feminized was thriving throughout week four and responded well to the feeding schedule. Large green fan leaves reached out from the thickening main stem, while newly emerging leaves displayed a vibrant neon green, and she had grown another 9 cm since the previous week.


In week five, we assessed the growth of our 420 Punch Feminized and decided to initiate the flowering cycle by changing the lighting schedule to 12/12. To prepare for the flowering stage, we stopped supplementing BIO Grow and added BIO Bloom to the feeding schedule.

The final EC of our solution remained at 1.8, and the pH stayed at 6.2. However, we increased our feeding volume to 1000 ml for each application. Our leaves remained a dark green through the vegetation stage, which indicates enough nitrogen. 

Based on its Do-Si-Do x Purple Punch lineage, we had anticipated that the 420 Punch Feminized would start to stretch as it entered the flowering stage. We decided to initiate flowering early to ensure enough headroom between the top of the plant and our grow light after the stretch. As we entered the flowering stage, our 420 Punch Feminized stood 66 cm tall and now required a plant stake to support the main stem.

As predicted, by the time week six was over, our 420 Punch Feminized was 101 cm, and she was still growing taller. To accommodate this extra growth, we increased our watering volume to 1500 ml. The lower lateral branches did an excellent job of keeping pace with the vertical growth and created an almost level canopy below the top few nodes on the plant. 

Along with the incredible growth rates on the lateral branches, the smaller auxiliary branches were filling in the middle section of the plant. We knew many of these would not grow tall enough to reach intense light, and their expanding vegetation also restricted air movement through the plant’s core. We grabbed our pruning scissors and selectively removed auxiliary branches to improve airflow in the canopy.

It had been four weeks since we applied beneficial insects to our 420 Punch Feminized, and after removing the excess lower foliage, we added new sachets, Neoseiulus Californicus and Amblyseius Swirskii.

In week seven, as we had been feeding the heavily for five weeks, we performed a soil flush to prevent the build-up of sodium and reduce the chances of concentrated pockets of nutrients in the soil. This act flushes excess nutrients from the root zone by adding a heavy volume of water. The goal is to get around 20% of run-off water compared to the input volume. 

After flushing the soil on the first day of the week, we resumed our regular feeding schedule with an EC of 1.8 and a volume of 1500 ml. By the end of the week, we could see white stigmas poking out from the bracts, and each branch’s tips were denser. New foliage was a lighter green than the mature leaves, but they darkened as they grew larger.

At the start of week eight, our 420 Punch had reached 145 cm, and our prediction about the extent of the potential stretch was accurate. 420 Punch Feminized had grown a substantial 79 cm in just three weeks. Throughout the cycle, 420 Punch Feminized has maintained a healthy green colour and solid lateral branching. The tips of each branch now looked like fuzzy balls, bud sites were increasing in size, and internodal spacing remained tight during the stretch. 

In week nine, we noticed a reduced amount of vertical growth, and the flowers on our 420 Punch Feminized started to gain a noticeable difference in size. Trichome development on the flowers and surrounding leaves was also noticeably increasing. 

To reduce the chance of mould pressure, we reduced the humidity in the grow room to 60%. Then, we assessed which branches were tall enough to reach the light and which would struggle to receive the light intensity needed to grow dense buds. We subsequently removed the lower, shaded limbs to improve the airflow and redistribute some growth potential.

It was week ten, and the Neoseiulus Californicus and Amblyseius Swirskii had done an adequate job of detouring damaging pest pressure. We had not seen pest pressure from thrips, aphids, or fungus gnats. However, looking at the plant’s characteristics, we could tell we were still weeks out from harvest, and to prevent bugs from ruining our grow in the final stage of flowering, we released another sachet of each predator bug.

Buds on our 420 Punch feminized plant were gaining width, not just height. The additional weight of the blooming flowers on the lower branches made them lean out slightly. This provided extra space for the rich, green fan leaves to stretch their fingers out to absorb light to the best of their ability.

As we had only flushed the soil once before, week eleven began by flushing our medium until we got the desired run-off in our drip pans. The leaf colour had remained a consistent green, which indicated optimal nutrition. Our feeding schedule remained the same, but it was time to start reducing the level of nutrient supplements in anticipation of harvest. 

Because budding flowers contain high moisture levels, reducing the humidity lessens the potential for botrytis, and we reduced the humidity level in the grow room to 58%.

In week twelve, we noticed that around 10% of the stigmas had begun to turn brown. We know this is not the critical indicator of peak ripeness, but it does signal that the end may be near. The apical stem developed a thick, long cola that rose above the prominent canopy, and the bracts were starting to swell, indicating a final push before harvest.

Towards the end of the week, 420 Punch started emitting a pungent aroma, and we were glad to have the carbon filter scrubbing the unwanted odorous air. We also dropped the humidity level to 56%, where it remained until harvest.

We started week thirteen by inspecting the colour of trichome heads at different parts of the plant. Clear trichome heads are immature, milky heads are ideal, and amber heads are past peak ripeness. There will always be a combination of the three at harvest, but most growers harvest recommended harvesting when the level of trichome heads is 10% transparent, 80% milky, and 10% amber.

A few trichome heads had begun turning amber, and we saw primarily milky heads on our 420 Punch Feminized. From experience, we knew that our plant would be ready to harvest within 14 days, and we subsequently removed all nutrients from the feeding schedule, using pure water until harvest. To reduce the nutrient load in the soil in preparation for harvest, we flushed the ground numerous times this week.

In week fourteen, we removed the plant’s many larger leaves and smaller branches with no potential for bud development. These actions would save us time at harvest, which was rapidly approaching. After removing the biomass from the 420 Punch Feminized, we inspected the trichome heads again.

The effects of our water-only soil flushes had the desired results, and the fading colour on some leaves was our visual clue that the soil’s storage tank of nutrients had depleted. We had been inspecting the trichome heads frequently because there is a three-to-four-day window for peak ripeness (but missing it by a few days does not hurt the crop), and we wanted to see it. On day 99, our 420 Punch Feminized reached a height of 148 cm and was ready for harvest.


Before our 420 Punch Feminized was harvested, we removed any of the remaining fan leaves that did not have significant trichome coverage. The temperature and humidity of our drying area were maintained, and there was no benefit to keeping that plant material attached. Humidity was held at 60%, and the temperature remained steady at 15.5°C.

Our drying area was dark, with a gentle breeze that circulated the drying area. It was intentional not to blow air directly on the plants, as it could dry them too quickly. Many experienced growers believe the best-tasting cannabis comes from a slow dry and cure, but mould and bud rot can occur if growers go too slow.

We chopped our 420 Punch Feminized at the base of the stem and brought the whole plant to hang upside-down in our drying area. The drying process took 17 days, at which point the buds had a slightly dry outer layer, and the smaller branches snapped when bent. This was our cue to break the plant apart and trim the buds in preparation for curing. 

We used glass mason jars to cure the 420 Punch Feminized flowers. Once filled with cannabis, we returned them to our dark, cool, climate-controlled drying room for curing. After placing our flowers in the jars, we kept the lids off for 24 hours. Our buds retained moisture in the centre, and we allowed the humidity level inside the jar to equalise with the air in our drying room. 

From the second day forward, we burped the jars multiple times daily for the first couple of weeks, leaving the lids off for one-hour increments each time. The aromas from our 420 Punch Feminized were maturing into a layered and pleasurable profile. The final four weeks of our curing process only saw the jars burped once per day.

We were excited to sample our 420 Punch Feminized after the long cure, but first, we collected all the dry flowers and weighed our harvest. In total, we had 97 grams of dry flowers in just 99 days. A small portion of that harvest was then sent to a local laboratory for cannabinoid testing. Our 420 Punch Feminized returned with 25.25% THC! The remainder of the crop was placed into our c-vault, which keeps the flowers in a perfect 62% humidity environment.

Terpene profile

Our 420 Punch Feminized developed a pungent floral scent around the twelfth week of flower. During the drying phase, the individual notes became more defined, and after curing, there was a well-balanced blend of aromas. The primary terpenes we detected were caryophyllene, myrcene, and limonene.

Smelling the jar of freshly cured 420 Punch Feminized flowers, we instantly got hints of sweet berries and zesty citrus. The fruity first impression then gave way to the dominant terpenes, which lingered in the nose for longer. Caryophyllene adds a hint of peppery spice to the mix without overpowering the delicate fruit scent. In contrast, myrcene adds a final touch of herbal aromas accompanied by a hint of earthiness. 

The flavour of the 420 Punch Feminized was enough to get our tastebuds salivating. Like the terpene profile, the first taste to indulge the senses was fruity and sweet sensations. After the exhale, we were greeted by the earthy, floral, and exotic spice flavours. 

420 Punch Feminized is 60% indica/40% sativa, and the hybrid experience reflected this ratio. The immediate effects are euphoric and uplifting, which increase concentration and creativity. As the first wave of 420 Punch Feminized recedes, a relaxing full-body stone takes over, and It feels as if our bodies are buzzing for hours.

The outcome

Our experience with the 420 Punch Feminized was delightful, and it’s an easy-to-grow cultivar with extravagant rewards. It was fun to watch our plant express its vibrant colours and unique morphology, while there was not a time throughout our cultivation cycle that the plant did not look healthy. 

Ultimately, we ended up with a plant that reached 148 cm and produced 97 grams of dry flower with an exciting THC content of 25.25%. The branches of our 420 Punch Feminized were sturdy and able to handle the weight of its big buds without much assistance. While we did need to use one stake to prop up the main stem, no other adjustments were necessary. 

Pruning was a breeze, and the terpene profile of 420 Punch Feminized was divine. Best of all, the high we experienced was the perfect blend of indica and sativa that we were hoping for. 

Have you had the opportunity to try 420 Punch Feminized? Let us know about your experiences in the comments below. If you enjoyed this grow report and the strain-specific insight provided, check out our entire collection of grow reports here.

  • Disclaimer:
    Laws and regulations regarding cannabis cultivation differ from country to country. Sensi Seeds therefore strongly advises you to check your local laws and regulations. Do not act in conflict with the law.


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