Cannabis Contaminants & How to Tell If Cannabis Is Laced

A woman in white coat and gloves examining cannabis under the microscope

Prohibitive drug policy has a lot of negative consequences, including contamination. Luckily, as cannabis legalization continues, it’s becoming less likely to encounter contaminated cannabis. Occasionally contaminated cannabis or ‘grit weed’ does still crop up, and it’s best to know what’s in your buds and how to be sure.

The most common cannabis contaminants are industrial ones, which are virtually impossible to detect without a third-party laboratory analysis. However, these contaminants are a side-effect of the legalization of cannabis (growing in large scale operations). The illegal drug market on the other hand occasionally produces ‘laced’ cannabis, which is contaminated with substances used to make the bud look or feel stronger but may have negative impacts on health.

The only real way to avoid contaminated cannabis is knowing what kinds of contaminants are used and how to identify them visually and with tactile inspection.

Different kinds of cannabis contaminants

There are different ways to detect a contaminant depending on which one is used. The most common contaminants are Brix, sand, sugar and hairspray. They are all used to make a lower-quality batch of cannabis look better than it really is by making it heavier or “stickier” to the touch.

Aside from this, there are also industrial contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals. It is very difficult for the regular consumer to identify these contaminants, which is why many companies provide third-party analyses on their products. Most contaminants, whether industrial or otherwise, generally decrease the quality of the overall cannabis experience and might even pose health risks to those who consume them.

1. Sand as a cannabis contaminant

When growing outdoors, attachments of sand and soil cannot always be avoided, especially not as the plant gets stickier while flowering. Sometimes, small materials such as sand can remain in the transportation medium such as a plastic bag. Nevertheless, cannabis is often intentionally contaminated with sand or quartz sand. This may make the bud appear more trichome-rich and may also make the bud heavier.

Cannabis buds with sand crystals stuck on it

Inhalation of quartz (cristaline silica dust) or sand poses a threat of silicosis, a form of pneumoconiosis, which is a serious lung disease causing inflammation in the upper lobes of the lungs. However, onset of silicosis is usually only caused after large amounts are inhaled and over an extended period of time.

2. Sugar as a cannabis contaminant

Cannabis that tastes sweeter than usual could be infused with sugar. Standard glucose tests available in pharmacies using small paper strips can detect this instantly. Sugar is a commonly used as an “extender”, giving the plant more dry weight so that dealers can profit.

The sugar is dissolved in boiling water which, when it has cooled, is sprayed on the plants. The water evaporates leaving a sticky layer. If white sugar has been used, the buds may have a very pale appearance; brown sugar is also used as it appears closer in colour to mature trichomes.

Sugar is sometimes used to enhance tobacco smoking and is frequently added to tobacco during the manufacturing process. Thus, the effect of sugar inhalation has been examined in the context of tobacco smoking. Smoking sugars increases the levels if formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, acrolein and 2-furfural in tobacco smoke and significantly contribute to the adverse effects of smoking tobacco.

Although this has not been confirmed in the context of cannabis, it can be hypothesized that inhalation of sugar contaminants may cause many unwanted health effects for consumers.

3. Brix fertilizers used to “extend” cannabis

The true meaning of “Brix” is a unit of measurement to measure the weight of certain sugars and carbohydrates in plants. All plants require a certain degree of sugar and carbohydrates in order to grow and survive, and this includes cannabis. Certain chemical fertilizers are manufactured for the purpose of increasing Brix and therefore encouraging a growth spurt.

Brix fertilizers are sometimes used as a means of increasing the weight of cannabis. The buds are supposedly dipped in this fertilizer after harvest and then hung up to dry. Doing so makes the buds heavier and therefore the dealer has a greater profit margin.

It is very difficult to identify Brix as a contaminant as it is virtually invisible. However, buds may burn harshly and users may notice a chemical-like taste from buds that are laced with Brix fertilizers.

4. Hairspray as a cannabis contaminant

Hairspray is often used as a means of preserving old, dried out cannabis. This was perfectly exemplified prior to the renovation of the Sensi Seed Bank, where customers could see long colas that were perfectly preserved with hairspray.

Cannabis buds covered with hairspray

Hairspray is also sometimes used to increase the aesthetic value of cannabis. Buds appear shinier, stickier and overall, stronger.

Naturally, hairspray is not recommended for inhalation. It is flammable for starters, and secondly, contains harsh chemicals that should not be consumed orally let alone inhaled. It is often easier to detect hairspray compared to other contaminants as it has a strong, chemically perfumed fragrance. Hair-sprayed buds also are prone to becoming hard and compact.

5. Industrial contaminants: fertilizers and pesticide

Fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides are often used in the growing process to protect against certain pests and stem rot. Although they are used for better growth, they often negatively affect the user of the final product and the natural environment. It is virtually impossible without third-party laboratory testing to identify the presence of fertilizers and pesticides. They are invisible to the naked eye and sometimes don’t even affect the taste of cannabis.

Pyrethrins (insecticides for plant protection and crop spraying) potentially lead to neurotoxicity (damage of the nervous system). They may also provoke serious asthma-related symptoms, although the connection between pyrethrins and asthma is yet to be confirmed.

Industrial contaminants are somewhat of a by-product of the legal cannabis industry. In order to maximize plant yield, deter pests and increase profitability, chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used. These contaminants are not characteristic of the black market for cannabis, although some clandestine growers will use such contaminants.

Industrial contaminants can be removed to a certain degree using a technique called flushing. This means that for the last stage of plant life, plants are not given fertilizers or nutrients but simply water, allowing the plant to flush itself from any nutrients or chemicals remaining in the flowers. However, this does not eliminate all contaminants and isn’t the most efficient method.

6. Lead splinters and lead dust

Lead, as a heavy metal, is intensely hazardous to health and therefore perhaps the most dangerous substance added to cannabis. Extremely difficult to spot with the naked eye because of their dark colour, lead splinters can only be identified under a microscope (a small pocket microscope for example).

Lead poisoning can lead to damage of the central and peripheral nervous system. It may affect the brain, liver, kidneys and bones and is particularly dangerous to an unborn foetus. Apart from a few exceptions, lead compounds are rated as hazardous to reproduction.

In 2007, the German city Leipzig reported 597 cases of users that smoked lead contaminated cannabis. Around 163 consumers had lead intoxication that necessitated treatment and 73 users had lead concentrations that required monitoring. Out of 160, 113 consumers were in need of medical treatment, and 35 were hospitalized. Lead is stored in the teeth and bones and can therefore take a long time to successfully flush it out of the body (sometimes up to 37 years). This video shows George Wurth from DHV (Deutscher Hanf Verband = German Hemp Alliance) giving a statement about cannabis lead contamination (available in German only).

7. Fungus as a cannabis contaminant

Mouldy and musty smelling, fungus infested cannabis is relatively easy to identify. Based on the degree of moulding, the cannabis can show white, furry dots. Mouldy cannabis usually occurs during the grow cycle or as a result of poorly stored and cured cannabis buds.

Mold infested cannabis plant

Mould spores can be threatening, especially for users that already suffer from allergies or asthma, or have a weak immune system. Also people with no previous health issues can experience symptoms like breathing problems, mucous membrane irritation and headaches.

8. Glass and glass splinters in cannabis

Pieces of glass in cannabis, mostly of industrial origin, can generally not be found with the naked eye, but they can be seen with a (pocket) microscope.

Herbal cannabis in wooden box with glass splinters sprinkled all over

High temperatures (through burning) cause the glass particles to burst, whereby sharp-edged fragments can develop. Once in the respiratory system, they can cause damage from minute cuts. Scarring on the wounded tissue can lead to the lung disease silicosis, but only when cannabis contaminated with glass is being consumed continuously.

9. Talcum powder to change the appearance of cannabis

Talc is a matt white mineral that feels greasy, and is therefore often called soapstone. Cannabis coated with talcum powder is supposed to look more resinous and heavy, but it turns much lighter in colour also. Furthermore, it loses the typical cannabis smell.

Talc dust affects the respiratory system and bronchial tubes in a negative way. Excessive inhalation of talcum powder may cause respiratory illnesses such as pulmonary talcosis.

How do I know if my cannabis is contaminated?

Now that you know some of the common contaminants that can be found in cannabis, you are better equipped to pinpoint cannabis that has been laced. You have five senses, and if you can use all of them to inspect a piece of cannabis, you should.

1. Visual inspection

Before consuming a new batch of cannabis, be sure to closely inspect the bud, using a magnifying glass if necessary. Look out for whitish crystalline substances (that are NOT trichomes—the difference can be negligible with some higher-quality contaminants, so be careful!), as well as stems that appear to be caked in a foreign substance. Stems can often be a clearer indication of contaminants, as the fine particles can often be hidden among the irregular surface of the buds themselves.

Visual inspection should help you identify sugar or glass granules on the bud, as well as any mould or fungus that might be hiding in the bud or on the stems.

2. Tactile inspection

Rub a piece of bud or stalk between your fingers to test for the presence of spray. You may feel a chalky, dry texture, as well as individual grains of grit, glass or sugar. As well as using your fingers, you can also touch the tip of your tongue to the bud and then rub your tongue along your lips or the roof of your mouth to test for grainy substances. Be careful not to swallow any contaminants, as they could be harmful.

3. Taste and smell

The taste and smell of cannabis can tell a lot about which contaminants, if any, are present in the bud. However, you don’t always want to wait until smoking it to detect contaminants. You can smell the bud for anything that smells perfume-like in the way hairspray would smell perfume-like. You can also put your tongue on the bud. If it tastes sweeter than usual, it may be sugar coated.

4. Other methods of detection

  • If you have already begun smoking a joint, you may assess the quality of the smoke itself. If the smoke is particularly harsh and chemical, it may indicate the presence of contaminants. As well as sprayed contaminants, it may also indicate mould or excessive, unflushed nutrients.
  • Either way, if your bud tastes particularly bad or harsh, it may very well contain chemicals harmful to your health. Well-flushed, professionally grown cannabis should have a clean, juicy taste, so always pay attention to the flavour.
  • Another very important means of detection is checking your ash. Some common contaminants, particularly building grit, cause the ash of cannabis joints to become hard and compacted, so that when the joint is tapped the ash remains in place. Such ash may also be very dark in colour, although this is not always the case.

General tips for detecting laced cannabis

Enlightenment and education – both Sensi Seeds goals – are crucial for protecting the consumer in all matters of cannabis. Listed below are a few general tips that can help recognize contaminated or laced cannabis and, hopefully, prevent the consumption of contaminated marijuana. Exercise caution when:

  • the buds are suspiciously heavy
  • the cannabis burns through like a sparkler or Shisha coal after lighting it up
  • the burning tip of the joint gives off sparks
  • a chemical, plastic-like smell develops while burning
  • ash residues are hard and black and turn oily and greasy after light pressure
  • the buds are particularly white and look coated in a crystalline or shiny substance
  •  buds are particularly crumbly and fluffy, and fall apart easily
  • the buds do not dry out when kept exposed to air
  • residue can be found in the packaging: granulate material, crystals, and sandy, powdery substances

Anytime cannabis is purchased, it should be examined for contaminants. Knowing that contaminated cannabis still circulates the market and that there are ways to identify it helps consumers to err on the side of caution when purchasing cannabis.

Help and information

Because of the illegal drugs trade, people injured by contaminated cannabis cannot just return or complain about their cannabis, or hold the seller accountable. That’s why it is crucial for users to be informed.

For this reason the DHV maintains an extender detector – a database of known contaminants – and an online platform on which victims can report their experiences.

The Cannabis College Amsterdam, a non-profit information centre based in the heart of Amsterdam, gives advice about everything related to the subject of cannabis. They also educate visitors about cannabis extenders and their dangers to health.

Several drug checking initiatives in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and The Netherlands offer the option of having drugs checked for certain substances such as cocaine, MDMA and ketamine. However, other substances such as magic mushrooms, cannabis and smart-products are not tested.

Approach to solving the problem of contamination

The legalization of cannabis is one approach to solving the problem of contamination. Theoretically, in a properly regulated system, plants could be cultivated under supervision and regulation. Consumers could obtain information and receive training. Production, distribution and consumption would be aligned with legislation.

The lawgiver would have more control over the quality of cannabis through decriminalisation and regulation of the industry as a whole.

Ultimately, the general legal cultivation of the plant for personal use, whether for medicinal or recreational reasons, would be a meaningful action in order to prevent the dangers of extenders in cannabis. All in all, these are qualities of a properly designed legal cannabis system.

  • Disclaimer:
    Laws and regulations regarding cannabis use differ from country to country. Sensi Seeds therefore strongly advises you to check your local laws and regulations. Do not act in conflict with the law.


52 thoughts on “Cannabis Contaminants & How to Tell If Cannabis Is Laced”

  1. Looking on here because most smoke in Hastings East Sussex UK is laced with washing powder, decided to check it with a microscope after pains in my chest which I think is inflammation of my Bronchial airway. Saw it was heavily laced with irregular shaped opaque crystals greatly out numbering the trichomes. suds appeared from shaking it in water and back under the microscope it showed a white goo with blue in it as well. This is what the UK county lines are flooding the country with.

  2. This is so tragic. Of course the greedy bastards of humanity have co-opted the trade of the blessed ganja plant, legal or not the same corruption persists, just some variation in which chemicals are sprayed for what greedy, exploitive means to an end. I remember back in the day when the only thing I was worried about my beautiful, natural buds being “contaminated” with was pieces of fuzz. Where did that fuzz come from??

  3. Came across a new issue, Ive been finding stuff that’s odourless and tasteless and appears to have been soaked to the bone in some kind of fat. When smoked it burns too hot, and leaves a heavy oil residue on the paper, sometimes even having a strong burnt oil taste. It gives no high, just a cooked tongue, sore throat and a headache, continued smoking causes more severe issues like trouble breathing and Cancer.

    Testing for fat by rubbing against a sheet of white paper, or placing some paper in with the stuff and heating it above 35c I’ve found it saturates the paper with oil. If only the oil was that easy to extract, and if only there was so much of it, This has clearly been baked with to make eddibles, my money is on Coconut Fat.

    1. All the pot is starting to smell the same and I’m worried that it’s harmful. What the he’ll is that smell?

      1. I believe it’s delta 9 THC sprayed onto legally grown cannabis that has less than 0.3% THC. At some point all of the weed in NYC started to become dense, very high in terpenes (flavors became insane), a million new strains came out, and all the weed started to look the same. Not as much fluffy bud. But all super dense, compact, white trichomes that you only used to see on strains like White Widow. And all the weed started to have a ton of Kief. On top of that, the highs were all the same too. And the bud was burning black instead of leaving white ashes. My guy told me that’s what they’re doing now: they buy 50lbs of cheap Portland legal hemp flower and break it down into 5lb bags (“5-packs”) and spray it down and shake the bags up. Because suddenly all the weed became dirt cheap ($25 8ths of fire), high in terpenes, and extremely high THC levels. Could also be legal THCa sprayed onto it. Even the legal dispensaries in NJ use THCa to enhance certain products legally. But this is my belief and from what I’ve seen and heard from people who apparently “move” bud

  4. Hello…my daughter usually smokes canabis resin ..but due to the lockdown it is not getting into the UK so for the last year she has had what she calls ‘Green’..but in the last few months she has become paranoid it seems but only with me like keep saying to me “stop telling me what to do” she is 54!…and Not sure if this is the right word but I think its Psychotic! she is panicing and telling my other daughter that I have a brain tumour and Dimentia ..she’s talking about me to everyone and is crying a lot..sometimes it seems like she is on speed..but we know she isn’t…could this be because of the Green she is smoking or could it be laced with something if so what?

    1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

      Good afternoon Polly,

      Thank you for your comment. We are sorry to hear about your daughters situation. As Sensi Seeds is not a medical agency or practitioner, we cannot give any kind of medical advice other than to consult your registered healthcare professional.

      We cannot forget that the experience with cannabis is very subjective on both a physical and mental level; the reaction that we each have to the same variety or dose is very different. Our endocannabinoid system and our own genetics determine each individual’s specific response to cannabis.

      I would recommend to stop consuming any green products, if you are unsure of their content.

      With best wishes,


    2. It may be synthetic cannabis or just poor quality weed contaminated with synthetic cannabinoids. Research the topic. It can have extreme effects on people. There are always new formulas developed, by just switching some of the elements bound to the THC-molecule. Nobody can predict the effects. It’s crazy. UK had like a whole synthetic weed epidemic a couple of years ago, with people hawing heroin-like withdrawal

    3. I bought some “fruit pastille “ hash and its oddly extreme and psychedelic so much so i wonder if pure hash?

    4. My ex husband became like that after buying weed from a “friend”. The weed smelled so bad I refused to smoke it. Long story short it was sprayed with Windex. So sad we can’t even trust the weed anymore.

  5. When I smoke certain weed from a certain place it leaves a disgusting film in my mouth. Not normal cotton mouth. Almost chemical. Could it be that they used hair spray or other chemicals?

  6. Damn and I just bought $300 worth of product from one of my local dispensaries! I knew there was something up though when the bud was hard as a rock, very crumbly, didnt smell like marijuana either when I burned it, which now my lungs are hurting. So, I basically got ripped off, and am out all that money now, that sucks! Thanks!

  7. What about the ones spraying reggie to trick their customers to think they’re buying loud!

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Pat,

      Please could you tell us what reggie is? It sounds bad! I’ve never hear the word used in this context, but I haven’t lived in the UK for over 20 years so I’m out of the loop with quite a lot of things!

      With best wishes,


      1. Reggie means regular. Saying your getting just some regular buds not gassy or more medical. Kinda slang term for normal regular weed.
        That reggie term been used on the streets for as long as I can remember.
        Just like some normal good ol’ crunch.
        If you smoke weed everyday then reggie normally won’t get you that high.

      2. Mark - Sensi Seeds

        Hey Hannah,

        Thanks for your comment and your feedback. We are continuously checking and updating the articles on our blog, and I have passed your comment to the team.

        Thanks again, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

        With best wishes,


    2. I hate when they do that. I got some bud that’s really hard and the guy told me it’s grinder weed. No such thing as grinder weed. I looked it up. But really it’s heavy cause some one sprayed it heavily.
      The zip looks like a quarter.
      Bad for buisness.

      1. I was getting weed that smelled and tasted awful. We call it smash, guy said it’s from the bottom of a bag but is selling kilos of it. Smells like really strong coffee and tastes utterly revolting. My cousin got stuff with barely a scent

    3. I had the same thought. Vice Germany published an interview a couple of months ago. There was a guy wearing a mask dealing with (quite big amounts of) weed in a german city and he told them, since a couple of years all the high rank dealer are buying cheap, low-quality weed and spraying it with synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic terpens, so it smells, tastes and hits strong but it’s extremely dangerous. In my hometown a guy used it without knowing, cause some teens passed him the joint, he collapsed after a few hits, the teens started panicking and left him alone, he died that night. Another person from my high school, smoked a whole joint of synthetic cannabis aka bath salt (one hit can have the effect of a whole joint of normal weed). He collapsed as well started to have seizure and nearly swallowd his tounge. Luckily another student -educated in first aid- went by called an ambulance, grabbed his tounge and hold it till the ambulance arrived. The collapsed guy was cramping so hard he bit the fingers of the other students to the bones.

  8. BRIX is a term used to describe the sugar content of a plant – high brix content means high grade plant material, low brix content means poor quality plant material.

    But there is also a product called Brix+ which is a sugar/plastic based substance used as a foliar spray to increase weight of buds and decreases the shrinkage of buds when they dry out, so they look like big fat buds but dont chop out to many bowls.
    Is snake oil, you spray sugar on your plants and it drys out adding weight to the buds and makes them look as if they are covered in amber trycs

  9. I am having a bad problem with some bud. It has a heavy smell of what i think is a chemical smell. Has anyone else ever had this problem? When harvested, the plants smell amazing, and like they are supposed to. But once they are dried, its horrible. They are flushed prior to harvest, and washed once cut. Someone please help!!!

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Heidi,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, we do have the Sensi Seeds Forum where you can ask questions and share your experiences with a thriving community of cannabis and gardening enthusiasts, so please don’t hesitate to join the community!

      With best wishes,


    2. I get some that smells very chemical like a huge over use of hydroponics chemical. It burns like incense and it’s gassy as hell and gets you high but if you smoke alot you will get these headaches that are very painful and come in hard and strong.
      seems like your feeling like a brain aneurysm will happen.
      Pretty fucked up but true. I ❤️reading all these comments it educates me.

      1. Mark - Sensi Seeds

        Hey Hannah,

        Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

        We are so pleased your enjoying the blog. We also enjoy reading the comments too!

        With best wishes,

  10. I am a conscious gardener.. what I have learned from being a Landscape and vegetable gardener is to know your farmer, landscaper, marijuana grower well.
    A good tip is to get your weed from a small grower who you know doesn’t not spray their plants. Smaller more monitored rooms are less likely to need sprays. A am one of those growers. Happy to grow chemical free weed. I guess my answer may be obvious, and it’s probably not easy to find someone who doesn’t need to spread their plants. But those of you who are consumers should voice your concerns to grower that you don’t want weed that has been sprayed.
    be aware there are Organic growers that use sprays that are concidered organic, in my opinion I wouldn’t want to smoke weed even if the spray is organic.

  11. The goverments are evil.. They know damn well how harmless natural organic cannabis is and never ever legalized it. Now with this monsanto dupont strains beeing pushed, it became legal.. Uruguya is the first country that fully legalized cannabis, no wonder since they are the first labrats testing this MONSANTO crap!! Agaian, the goverments has sinister plans for cannabis users… TIME TO PROTEST WORLDWIDE! Also against all these illegal wars, just like out parents did during the 60’s / 70’s

  12. MedicalMarijuana MafiaMonopoly Victim

    Hi, Brix is a sugar index rating of juices, pulled from a refractometer,you are referring to the Brix+ sugar-water product. Brix itself is good, as long as it is natural to the plant and not just sugar from a bottle. Brix is why people grow in soil va hydroponic.

    I dont think I’ll be using Sensi seeds ever, they seem ill informed on the subject of growing, if they don’t know what Brix is. Let me assist with a copy/paste:

    Brix+, AN Budcandy, Botanicare Sweet Raw/Citrus/Grape, GH Floranectar FruitnFusion/BlueberryDream/BananaBliss/PineappleRush/Coconut

    CuttingEdge SourDee/Sugaree, Grotek PinaColada/Grapefruit/Blueberry/Strawberry/GreenApple Final Flush.

    This is just a small taste of the fake-scent sugar-water products used on LEGAL, STATE APPROVED MEDICAL CANNABIS.

    These products are mostly plant esters from industry scraps (peels, rinds) and simple sugars (table sugar) that soak right into the roots and into the plant fiber. These products contain other ingredients that may or may not assist your crop, mainly included to sell the idea that this is a fertilizer/nutrient supplement. It is not. It is a direct contaminant/adulterant.

    The bottled product gives the plant the same exact smell of the product. A direct transfer, no chemical reactions or anything. The sugar adds useless sandbag weight, it does not increase yield. It inflames premature buds and gives them a whitish, frostier appearance. It hides minor cases of mold.

    The growers who use this stuff are convinced by the fact that they waste so much money trusting opportunist salesmen.. Its a horrible case of debt induced delusion. It is absolutely no different than spraying your buds with honey water, or Coca-Cola. Youre just buying it premixed and sending it up the root for complete absorption.

    When I lived in Northern California and Oregon, fruity strains tasted absolutely amazing. When I moved to Colorado/Az, I discovered the fake weed. Spending meticulous hours cleaning my vaporizers,and tossing more “Cannabis” in the trash than I was consuming. The state health departments do not care one bit.

    Not only is the marijuana contaminated with fruit scented sugar water, it is contaminated with nut products and lactose products,in the form of mold hiding sprays and feeds. I have seen ONE peanut allergy warning. I have no idea why peanuts are being used, but Neem nut oil is on a large percentage of legal market Cannabis, as a mold deterrent. Many dispensaries pass the smell of processed Neem oil and rotted milk spray off as terpenes.

    Those are not the only unnatural smells found in legal medical Cannabis. A lot of the product can be seperated into groups by the line of nutrient it was grown with. I call smell Botanicare PBR on a large portion of the flowers. Several others I can group but have yet to identify. The smell and color can be consistently seperated in some dispensaries, the buds are so heavily contaminated.

    Not much else to say. Its illegal to grow your own MMJ in Arizona, where this problem is worst. Arizona dispensaries have the worst Cannabis I’ve ever experienced. That is including tons of bricked up seeded import. Hardly any of it taste like Cannabis varietals. It all taste like lawn clippings and grow products. I suggest people grow their own despite the illegality of home production.

    This is what legalization gets us. Smart people were asking for decriminalization. The corporations sponsored legalization. The retailers grow the product themselves, they have exclusive production rights and zero regulations. It is absolutely disgusting on all accounts!

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds


      Thanks for your comment. This sentence: “Brix is a sugar index rating of juices, pulled from a refractometer,you are referring to the Brix+ sugar-water product. Brix itself is good, as long as it is natural to the plant and not just sugar from a bottle. Brix is why people grow in soil va hydroponic.” does not entirely make sense; in Europe, where Sensi Seeds is based, the product is referred to as Brix and I am unfamiliar with the “sugar rating” you refer to by that name.

      Interesting to hear about the contaminants in legal medicinal weed in the US though, thanks for sharing.

      With best wishes,


      1. FromHolland

        Hey, i know brix as a naturel sugar rating of the inside of plantcells with a brix reader. (The higher the naturel sugar rating is getting the better u will flower. But also as a sugar/plastic substance. Found multiple collors en sizes. Rock solid /dont disolve, burns black. Easy to spot with a proper digital usb camera. Almost everything i buy is contaiminated here in holland. Rarely i see proper organic grow, if poeple knew they don’t have to do so much for the plant, but let nature do it. It will be a easy grow and the best u ever had.

    2. Eggzectly why I voted no for rec weed in Cali! A dez-gusting power grab by Monsanto and the tobacco corporations is about to ruin the party big time….but I had no idea that sheet was already in effect in AZ. Billionaires ruin everything. 🙁

    3. My husband is legal for medical weed in Arkansas.
      He is 64 and a weed smoker for 40+ yrs.
      I don’t smoke now but used to indulge daily many years ago.

      The weed he has been getting from the dispensaries often burns quick ,leaves no resin and cheisil and glueball strains have a strong chemical taste and smell.
      My husband swears it’s isomiled.
      I’ve read this thread on the BRIX spray .
      We wish to have the weed third party tested to see what’s in or on it.
      Who does 3rd party testing?
      It is illegal to grow our own.
      Still strongly considering it.
      Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  13. Google idiot

    I live i Az and all the MMJ is contaminated. Its illegal to grow my own. The corporate takeover of Cannabis has sponsored this experiment. Testing the waters to see what sells. ALL KINDS OF BULL SHIT SELLS. Wax pens made from scrap reclaim and fake terps. Moldy buds soaked in h202,neem oil, rotten milk, etc. Buds with zero smell and taste other than plant matter. Buds you can line up by color and smell according to nutrients used (Budcandy, Sweet, Sour Dee, Floranectar, Carboload, all these “sweeteners” are a curse, used as flush-ins for giving lawn clippings a smell)

    Legal weed is a JOKE! I haven’t smelled actual weed in any dispensary. Its all Cutting Edge, Botanicare, AN, GH product lines I smell instead! Monsanto fake weed BULLSHIT.

    Why is the seedstock so poor that dispensaries cant grow mold free buds, or buds without artificial smells? Do I need to mention Monsantos connections again? We all know who works with the DEA in collecting Cannabis genetics. And we all know who pushed “sensi” as a standard of quality, rather than quality as a standard of quality..

    I am sick of this American capitalist fake jew weed! Bring me some hash that actual tastes like hash! Forget this M39 bullshit sprayed with “Uncle Johns Blend” and labeled “super skunk chem dog diesel” !

    1. Finally! Someone knows there is sprayed shit everywhere. All Madrid clubs sell crap, all UK full of crap (except homegrown by friends) all Europe hash has black smoke if set on fire. Poisoning all weed smokers who dont supply themselves. CHECK YOUR BUDS PEOPLE.

    2. wow. you had me right until the end there holmes

      good info, some quasi-predjudicial followers.

    3. review reader

      the most real words i have read. i am also from az and i have a mmj card. i can confirm this guys words are true. its all contaminated

    4. Man speaking truth! Same in germany. Haven’t had clean hash for years. Every bud I see is contaminated, no matter of origin. Sole high rank dealer went to the press and told them the truth. Different dealer are already telling their customers, “the weed is sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids and terpens, can’t get clean weed” and the customers still buy it. Some get addicted to the synthetic cannabinoid high and only want those. The get physical withdrawal when switching to home grown weed. It’s just crazy.

  14. Dangerous times for people who buy cannabis in this foul year of our Lord, 2016.
    For many it will be time to risk their freedom and grow their own.
    Or make friends with someone who does..
    Sure, fault lies with the evil scum that do this.. but if it wasn’t cannabis, they’d be destroying something else.. ultimately, I think we all know that THIS is the government’s fault.

  15. monochrome camera

    BIOIMAGER Inc. specializes in providing the turn-key and high efficient microscopy-based imaging solutions for life sciences and industrial applications, including epi-fluorescence, biological, metallurgical and polarizing microscopy products.

  16. Very good info-Grit weed is back…GET THE WORD OUT!
    Its SC, USA.
    Stay safe peeps! Great looking bud can be contaminated.
    Spend 20 bucks for a small microscope (radioshack) and look
    at your stuff.
    Beware-Be careful
    Knowledge is key……read read read! Know your shit.
    PeaceOut in SC

  17. hey thanks for your steps … so am at kuala lampur and am ataying for like 5 years , i smoke a lot but the weed here is not like any weed i smoked in europe or dubai or jordan or morocco so i need help

    1. I am in Tennessee. For roughly 5 years weed has become completely sprayed. I have attained from over 8 different people over this time. The weed looks for the most part good, very good or sometimes excellent. BUT it reaks of a FAKE loud smell. To a total stoner he is jumping up and down. To somebody that wants something out of life it smells chemed all to HELL! I use a Jewelers eye and I can see sporatic tiny “mirrors” of metal or flake or glass or? Also all parts leaves ect look matted down. It looks like trichomes on a heavy steroid dose! Generally heavy and sticky. Every single person I mention this to laughs at me or immediately becomes offended cause they think their somebody because they sell…what a joke! Reactions include: neck and trap pain, nausea, intense sweating when generally you would very mildly prespire like taking a walk. Fever type feeling. Horrible taste, low back pain, difficulty breathing laying down, and probably easily the worst symptom is feeling like you have drank hot sauce with glass in your esophageal tract. It can last for hours to up to two weeks! I have gotten where I can spot it immediately without a Jewelers eye! I need somewhere to send for testing please post a company that does this. I had gone 4 months without smoking and thought try it again
      .Well same stuff different day! Look out and look at your stuff very carefully! I totally believe this is a huge deal and it probably is all across the U.S.!

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    Sensi Seeds

    The Sensi Seeds Editorial team has been built throughout our more than 30 years of existence. Our writers and editors include botanists, medical and legal experts as well as renown activists the world over including Lester Grinspoon, Micha Knodt, Robert Connell Clarke, Maurice Veldman, Sebastian Maríncolo, James Burton and Seshata.
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  • Sanjai_Sinha

    Sanjai Sinha

    Dr Sanjai Sinha is an academic faculty member at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. He spends his time seeing patients, teaching residents and medical students, and doing health services research. He enjoys patient education and practicing evidence-based medicine. His strong interest in medical review comes from these passions.
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