Top 9 Tips for Growing Cannabis Outdoors

A cannabis plant growing outdoors

Growing cannabis outdoors is not as simple as just throwing some seeds in the ground and hoping they grow. To ensure a good harvest, outdoor growers should do some research—analysing the local soil, preparing the site, and thinking about appropriate pest-control methods—and a great deal of maintenance.

Naturally, we all have our favourite strains, which we can’t wait to plant after the cold, tough and long winter months. Each situation is certainly unique, with the circumstances of someone living in Russia being different from those of someone living in Spain. Even so, there are enough varieties to be enjoyed in every corner of the globe. 

Once you’ve chosen your favourite cannabis seeds, the first step is obviously to germinate them. It goes without saying that this must be done correctly, as otherwise the seeds will be useless. Be patient and bear in mind that some seeds may need a bit more time to sprout. For best results, follow this germination method

The good thing about cultivating outdoors – and which makes us appreciate spring – is that, among other things, you can obtain considerable crops with a minimum of investment. And in times like these, who doesn’t want that? 

Once we are clear on the conditions that we need – the right environment, the right growing spot, the outdoor growing method, and the variety that best suits our needs – we can get started. 

1. Pick the right strain when growing cannabis outdoors! 

It is important to choose the right strain of cannabis when growing outdoors. Depending on your location and climate, you may be limited in your choice of strain.  

A cannabis plant growing outdoors against the blue sky

For example, if living in regions in the far north or south of the globe, where year-round temperatures are cool and summer growing seasons are short, you will need to choose strains that are acclimated to such conditions. Picking the right strain means curating your strain choice to suit the climate that you will be growing in. 

Outdoor cannabis strains for cold temperate climates 

Those who live in colder temperate climates, such as Northern and Eastern Europe, have to choose their strains accordingly. Summers are short and winter frosts are strong enough to destroy any cannabis crop. Therefore, timing and strain choice are essential. 

Strains ideal for this kind of climate include Early Skunk Feminised and Jamaican Pearl. They are hardy strains with early flowering times. 

Outdoor cannabis strains for warm temperate climates 

Those who live in warmer temperate climates have a little bit more freedom when it comes to growing cannabis. In fact, the majority of commercial strains have been developed for growing specifically in warmer climates. Mild winters and long summers is the perfect growing condition for cannabis. 

Those living in warmer climates can grow almost any strain. Both sativa dominant varieties and indica dominant varieties can be grown. 

2. Start your plants indoors if possible 

It is advisable to germinate your seeds indoors, and allow your plants to grow in pots for at least a week or two under artificial lighting (which could be a simple household CFL light) or on a windowsill. 

This will protect your seedlings from being eaten by birds or insects while they are young and tender, as well as giving them a head-start if outdoor conditions are still a little too cool. 

When it’s time to expose your young plants to the outdoor world, it is advisable to go through a period of ‘hardening-off’ so that your plants gradually become accustomed to the change in environment. 

At first, out your plants outside for a few hours at a time, and be sure to keep them sheltered from the elements. 

After a week or so of increasing exposure to outdoor conditions, they will be hardy enough to be left outside full-time, either in pots, bags, or in holes dug into the soil. 

3. Choose soil or pots for outdoor growing 

Every grower gets to choose whether they will sow their seeds or seedlings directly into the ground or whether they will be cultivated in pots. Each choice has its advantages and disadvantages, so let’s focus on the pros of each growing method. 

A garden shovel and a soil against the green background

Advantages of growing in soil 

  • Unrestricted access to nutrients and moisture from the ground 
  • Plants can reach maximum height as there is no restriction on root growth
  • Maximizes yield
  • Keeps costs low as there is no need to purchase pots 

Advantages of growing in pots 

  • Flexibility to move plants around 
  • In the case of extreme weather, pots can be moved indoors 
  • Easier to conceal a growing operation 
  • Maximum control over the size and growth rate of plants 
  • Ensures no contamination of soil from surrounding environment 

4. Good soil is crucial when growing cannabis outdoors 

Making sure your soil is prepared correctly is perhaps the most fundamental aspect of outdoor growing. 

Soil should be checked to determine pH, and if it is too low or too high then additives such as lime (to increase pH/make more alkaline) or sulphur (to decrease pH/make more acidic) must be mixed in. 

Consistency of soil is also important—too much clay, and soil will be sticky and will drain poorly; too much sand, and drainage may be too rapid. 

Cannabis prefers loamy soil, or soil that consists mainly of sand and silt with a lower ratio of clay (around 40%-40%-20% silt-sand-clay is a good rule of thumb). 

As well as this, soil fertility is important. Does the soil support a large amount and diversity of vegetation? 

If not, adding mulch or manure is a good way to invigorate soil and increase the levels of available nutrients for your plants. If soil is poor, or if you just want to go the simple and hassle-free route, you can buy commercial soil, and even grow your plants in pots—or dig them into the ground, but keep them in bags so they are not exposed to surrounding soil. 

5. Pick the right spot 

The ideal spot for growing cannabis outdoors will be sunny, sheltered, well-irrigated, and will have good drainage. It will also be far enough off the beaten track that little human activity occurs in the vicinity—so no popular hiking trails or logging roads, for one thing! 

A forest clearing that receives a good amount of sunlight and is sheltered from wind (as well as prying eyes!) is ideal; mixed broad-leafed forest is preferable to coniferous, as soil in the vicinity of coniferous woodland is often very acidic. 

Landscape of a lake and forest in the mountains

If you are growing in hilly terrain, aspect is an important and often-overlooked factor. Just as a south-facing balcony is preferable for apartment growers, a south-facing hillside is ideal for outdoor grows as it maximizes hours and intensity of sunlight. 

The angle at which the sun’s rays strike the surface of the planet varies from the perpendicular according to latitude; in the northern hemisphere a south-facing spot will receive more sunlight, and in the southern hemisphere, a north-facing garden is preferable for the same reasons. 

If you’re at all doubting your spot (for any reason), it is perhaps better to put your plants in pots. This way, you can move your plants around as necessary until you find the optimum spot to grow your cannabis plants. If you put them in the ground too soon, you won’t have the liberty of transporting them in the case of extreme weather or sub-optimal conditions. 

6. Pick the best time to grow outdoors 

In most climate zones, you should be aware of changes in seasonal temperature, rainfall and hours of daylight. If you live in the temperate zones, the change in daylight hours is considerable between seasons. This acts as a cue to photoperiod-dependent cannabis varieties to either perform vegetative growth (during the long days of late spring and early summer) or commence flowering (when the hours of daylight drop in the latter half of summer). 

If you attempt vegetative growth in early spring, hours of daylight may still be short enough to induce flowering, so it is best to wait until at least mid-April (northern hemisphere) or mid-October (southern hemisphere) to put out your seedlings. 

If you live in particularly warm climates, you may be able to achieve more than one harvest in a year; in locations near the equator, this should definitely be achievable by taking advantage of the year-round warm temperatures and intense sunlight. 

If located in a tropical region that experiences seasonal monsoons, it is best to avoid this time of year due to the increased risk of mould

7. How to take care of outdoor plants 

It is important to check on your plants relatively frequently, especially if growing outdoors in pots that do not have access to groundwater in the soil. 

If temperatures are hot, your plants will drink a great deal of water as they grow, and it is vital to ensure that they receive sufficient water to ensure that they grow vigorously and do not dry out. As well as this, checking your plants frequently will alert you to any problems, such as pests or nutrient deficiencies

If you are unable to access your plants on a regular basis due to security concerns, it is possible to set up a drip-feeding system so that your plants remain hydrated. 

8. Pick the best time to harvest outdoor plants 

Harvest time is the moment of glory where growers finally get to enjoy the fruits of their labour. With that being said, many novice growers actually compromise the quality of their final product by harvesting too early (due to impatience) or too late (due to complacency or miseducation). So, dear growers, never underestimate the importance of the harvest stage. 

In general, there are two things most important when you’re trying to figure out when to harvest: 

  • The variety of cannabis you are growing 
  • What you have observed when monitoring your buds during their flowering 

When you purchase a seed or packet of seeds, there is usually an indication as to the flowering time of that particular variety of cannabis. This is a good place to start if you are a little bit confused about when to harvest. 

A person with gloves and garden macaques trimming a cannabis plant

However, the most effective way to know when to harvest outdoor plants is by inspecting them. You will probably need a magnifying glass to do this successfully. There are two things you should be observing very closely when your buds are nearing the end of their flowering period

  • The colour of the pistils (small hair-like protrusions from the buds) 
  • The colour of the trichomes (tiny, crystal-like resinous spheres that coat the buds) 

The pistils will slowly begin to change colour from white to a dark reddish, brown colour. If you want to harvest when THC levels are at their maximum, at least 60% of the pistils should have darkened and curled in towards the bud. If you want to harvest with maximum CBN (more calming, less psychoactive effects), then you should wait until 70-90% of the pistils have darkened and curled inwards. 

You may also inspect the trichomes to assess whether it is harvest time or not. When your plant first starts developing these resinous trichomes, they will be clear upon inspection with a magnifying glass. They will slowly turn from clear to an amber/golden colour. This is when THC levels are at their maximum. When around 30% of the trichomes have become amber, it is a good time to harvest. If the trichomes turn grey or withered, the optimum harvest window has passed. 

9. Practice makes perfect 

It might all look very daunting – but don’t be overwhelmed. Growing cannabis is a rewarding experience. It isn’t simply about harvesting and enjoying your final product – it’s also about learning more about a plant that human beings have used and loved for millennia.  

If you’re growing outdoors for the first time, it is safe to say that you won’t get it perfect the first time. The only way to make your grow operation perfect is to practice endlessly! Don’t let some of the challenges discourage you from your outdoor grow operation. Nobody got good at anything overnight! 

All that is now left to be said is good luck with outdoor growing, and happy smoking! 

  • Disclaimer:
    Laws and regulations regarding cannabis cultivation differ from country to country. Sensi Seeds therefore strongly advises you to check your local laws and regulations. Do not act in conflict with the law.


38 thoughts on “Top 9 Tips for Growing Cannabis Outdoors”

  1. Dustin Hill

    So I have some seeds I germinated they sprouted good but when I went to check on them the next day the plant looked like it had been up rooted or something was out of my pot on the ground. Did I put them outside to early?

    1. Mark Smith - Sensi Seeds

      Good morning Dustin,

      Thanks for your comment,
      Cannabis seedlings thrive in bright, sunny conditions around 21°C to 23°C. They also like humidity, and they love a gentle breeze.
      If it seems like an animal is poaching your plants, I would recommend moving your plants out of reach of any pesky critters.
      Or, if your seedlings are still young, it might be beneficial to cover them with a propagator, until they grow larger to protect them from the elements.

      Have a great day!


  2. Jack Goodwin

    For the last few days, I was thinking about growing cannabis; that’s why I searched for some suggestions about it. After reading your article, I believe your advice will be helpful to me.

  3. New growers, both Senior Citizens. One growing legally in a Boston basement under lights, one in a Florida garden, “under cover”, so to speak. Really appreciate all the good info to help our launch. Is the coming winter/ shortest time of year too little light to start an outdoor grow?

    1. Just got two plants i would say about 4 to 5 inches in height. I planted them in bigger pots one in each. I used a combination of triple mix and top soil. I have sun all day in the back. Is watering them twice a day sufficient and how much water at one time?

  4. Having picked the right strain, found the right spot and planted at the best time, it’s good to remember during the vegetative stage, when stems are branching and leaves are proliferating, that the focus should be on growing a bush with a good skeleton. As the bush grows, prune and trim for a sturdy and open shape that allows for air flow with minimum resistance and maximum light throughout the bush.
    When the bush begins to flower, trim leaves and prune it into a chandeliered bouquet. This will be a continuing process. Begin by cutting off all leaves that have visible stems, an easy but on-going task as the plant continues growing leaves while the flowers develop.
    As the flowers ripen, they become sticky and so do the still remaining leaves. The fewer leaves left at harvest time, the easier the final manicuring for buds will be.
    So again, grow a bush with a good, bright and airy skeleton. When the bush begins flowering, trim and prune for a bouquet of blossoms.

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Rolando,

      Thanks for your comment and for sharing your gardening tips! We really appreciate it when our readers contribute their experience, it enriches the blog for everyone.

      With best wishes,


    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Kelly,

      Current legal restrictions prevent some products, including seeds, being shipped to Canada. We are aware of the current changes in legislation there, and are keeping a close eye on the situation. Rest assured that as soon as it’s legal, we will look into the possibilities! In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.

      With best wishes,


  5. Not much. Was searching for ‘flowering time’ zone 8, and I end end up with a pile a bullshit I didn’t need

    1. Damn, Glen. So you took the time to spread some sweet negativity about such a sour situation life handed you today?

      I think your hostile customer complaint needs to be taken up with your search engine, or the user itself, but probably not here.

      And I do hope you find what you’re looking for so you can grow some weed and smoke it and chill out. Or maybe try one of those pills around, think they’re called “Chill Pills.” Or just breathe Glen. Breathe. In and out. Focus on your breath. That’s it, one breath at a time. Let the tension in your body relax. The universe is perfect as it is. Breathe. You are a beautiful creature. In and out, keep your mind focused on your breath and let everything else go. Just let go. It’s okay Glen. We all love you. Just breathe.

  6. Hey man , I live in Canada and have 4 plants in my garden ( legal limit to grow ) and its now about 3 months since the very beginning. each plant is close to 3 ft tall planted into the garden soil and looking very healthy, im just looking for tips on if i should do anything to help produce as much Bud ( flower ) as possible such as trimming leaves off the top or adding more fertilizer ( bought pre-mixed fertilzer/soil when i first moved the plants from a red solo cup into a larger planter) , i still think i have about 1-2 months until the process is 100% complete. Any tips would be helpful.


    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Steve,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, we do have the Sensi Seeds Forum where you can browse through questions and share the experiences of a thriving community of cannabis and gardening enthusiasts. Also, other readers of this blog will often answer questions like yours. Sorry I can’t be of more help, and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog!

      With best wishes,


    2. Beginners here. First plant I’ve tried to grow. So far so good. My question is about pruning for best results. What to I prune? When? Thanks

  7. Anonymous 1

    Like the tips love the weed never done any sensi seeds will try next year it’s green house seeds this year in honor of Franco rip brother the doctor cannabis straining awesome!

  8. First time reader first time poster. This article pure gold, people would pay $ for this info. I wish I could be just like the author 😀

  9. I planted to early my seedlings didnt start flowering to ypung but stunted it seems stoped growing will they continue as normall eventually

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi there,

      Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can’t answer grow related questions or give grow advice on this blog. However, we do have the Sensi Seeds Forum where you can ask questions and share your experiences with a thriving community of cannabis and gardening enthusiasts, so please don’t hesitate to join the community!

      With best wishes,


    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Alfie,

      Thanks for your comment. Any decent garden centre should be able to supply you with good, fertile soil, the kind used for growing fruit or vegetables.

      With best wishes,


  10. Could you please help me which seeds to order?
    climate: Mediteranean – in Italy Hot summer und low winters
    Is Northern Light the right one 1. Autoflowering. 2. Feminized?

    Thanks for your help – I am a beginner

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Christel,

      Thanks for your comment. Please have a look at this article and this section on cannabis strains for beginners, and also the Sensi Seeds Forum may well have some posts on this question – and if not, you can easily join and post questions there that a thriving community can answer. Personally, unless someone in your position has a lot of experience growing plants in general in the environment you describe, I would start with something more basic and affordable…

      With best wishes, and good luck 🙂

  11. North Shore Rider

    Very helpful info indeed, and well presented.
    Question – Let’s say someone in Hawaii was fortunate enough to have access to the labors of love that the Sensiseed bank produces.
    And let’s pretend this person lived on the Windward side of the island, in the middle of an ancient rainforest, where rainfall is plentiful, the sun always makes an appearance for at least 4 – 6hours per day, & the temperature is between 19°C – 30°C, year round.
    Would that person likely have great success in his endeavours?
    Could Early Skunk resemble the beanstalk in the story Jack & the Beanstalk, if given the right amount of love???
    Would G13 & Ed Rosenthal & Northern Lights X Haze # 5?
    How about Big Bud, Fruity Juice & Michka???
    Would he have to ensure the buds stayed dry ALL the time??
    Would he have to rig up artificial lighting for when the weather was cloudy, as it can often be for some periods of the day??
    Should this person try to spend less time surfing & more time tending to his crop?
    Finally, would rigging up a clear plastic sheet about 1m directly over the plants during their flowering phase be a good idea, unneccessary, or absurd???
    In order protect them ( and the artificial lighting, if it was necessary to use them on cloudy / rainy days…. ) from getting soaked by the frequent rainshowers that keep the island lush, green & beautiful?
    This is all purely hypothetical, ofcourse.
    It’s definitely NOT ME we’re talking about here.
    Im, uh, trying to write a, um, story about some dude in Hawaii, you see, who has dreams of never, EVER having to buy a $20 sack from some shady dude on the street EVER AGAIN, and grow his own supply, to ease the pain in his bad back after a car crash & occasional wipeouts while surfing.
    That’s why Im asking all these questions. I can sense some of you shaking your heads in disbelief, by all means smile all you want – it’s the truth!!

    Any & all advice / criticism / namecalling will be much ppreciated for my, uh, research for my “story”….
    Thank you & aloha….

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi there,

      Thank you for your comment and sharing the extensive research you are doing for your creative writing endeavours! Can’t wait for the movie 😉 In the meantime, please share this info with the Sensi Seeds Forum, where you’ll find many like-minded authors who may well be able to assist you with your plotlines and character development…

      With best wishes,


  12. Hello,
    Great site very informative. Thank you. Have a couple of
    questions if I may ask. First time balcony grower in Athens, Greece.

    After plant has germinated, sprouted leaves in small container
    indoors, when can it go outside and get transplanted in a pot?

    I’ve read for the first 3 weeks it’s not necessary to use growth
    fertilizer. According to you we should fertilize after sprouting.
    Hesi kit instruction shows using growth from week one. What
    should I do. (will use organic fertilizer next time) Thanks so much for your time.

    Best regards

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi George,

      Well done on your grow 🙂 unfortunately, for legal reasons we can’t give any growing advice in blog comments, but you can check the Sensi Seeds Forum where a thriving community of cannabis fans exchange information. Good luck!

      With best wishes,


  13. This is going to be my first grow of silver haze #9 outdoors,what will I put them in? Like soil,sand and stones? And also how do I test the ph…..I,ll be putting them in pots,.when do I give them food? From beginning or not?
    Any help will be appreciated….I’d love step by step instructions

    1. Scarlet Palmer - Sensi Seeds

      Hi Maria,

      Thank you for your comment ? Unfortunately, for legal reasons we cannot respond to grow questions on the blog, but we do have the Sensi Seeds Forum where you can ask a thriving community of gardening fans for advice, share your experiences, and see if your question has already been covered. I hope this helps.

      With best wishes


  14. frank boddy

    love this site could you give any advise on the automatic seeds i have just bought some off yourselfs cheers

  15. staffan fredriksson

    “one bud only just starting to show and the leaves are the lightest green”
    thats how new this field is to me. your text is pure gold for an novis such as myself.
    thanks for sharing. is it possible that you allso can provide some info on taking cloones from
    a mother plant??

  16. I am so excited about legalization. I spent 300 dollars on the stuff to grow four plants. I bought three large bottles of nutrients a Ph test kit enough buckets and soil to get them in 5 gallon buckets and into 45 gallon buckets, a light to germinate the seeds inside and some seeds. This is my first time so I hope I get 8 ounces. Growing weed isn’t cheap.

  17. Barbarella a.k.a. The Mad Cat Lady

    Thanks for this article. I´m a total beginner and before I start planting I want to get all the information I need to make my growing a success! 🙂

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